Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

But I had plans, plans that I'd been preparing for since... since before I started this career, mister Gagucci's teaching. And part of those plans started with Sheila. It was early mid afternoon when I finally returned to her small farm and her arms. I could tell she was worried about me by the look in her eyes. They were heavy with concern.

"I was beginning to worry." She told me when we sat down on the couch together.

"Beginning?" I snorted. "I'd say you've been worrying since I left." I said then rubbed her shoulders and smiled at her.

"I've been watching the news, seeing if there were any reports of 'The Arrow' being caught... or killed." She said with a solemn face and looking to her lap.

I understood her concern, especially since this had been a rush job. The more I was able to study a mark and prepare for a job, the better my chances of getting away clean, and surviving. Sheila's shoulders were tense, they were knots. She needed to relax, even I didn't stress as much as she did.

"Hey..." Her face and dark eyes turned towards me. "Why don't we take off early, head to the big city and get a hotel room for the night. Then we'll be right there ready to board our ship. Sound good to you Snuggle Bunny?" Her face softened when I said this.

Nodding slowly, then with more resolve she finally broke a smile. "Yes, sure, let's do it. I'm ready to get out of here and start our vacation; I'm sure you are too." Sheila answered.

She was right, I was more than ready to go. This last job had taken a lot out of me, more so than normal. But since I'd been back with Sheila, that nagging in the back of my brain stopped, well, became very quiet.

Sheila stood up then turned and faced me. "You get the bags in the car and I'll call the airport and make reservations." She said in a more chipper tone.

Nodding my agreement I rose from the couch and started for the front door closet. There I opened the door to the closet and grabbed Sheila's two bags. They were lighter than I expected, I was able to carry both of hers in one hand and grab mine in the other. I could hear Sheila on the phone as I left, she was telling whomever she was talking to that we were heading to New Brittan, probably her mother. Those two talked often.

The trunk of the Mopar Grand was a four body trunk, there was more than enough room for the three pieces of luggage. I expected Sheila to have more, however, we hadn't left yet and there may be more bags upstairs. With this thought in mind I stacked two of the bags on the side of the trunk and worked the third deeper in towards the backseat, just incase.

Back inside the house Sheila wasn't around. A few minutes later she came downstairs, another bag in hand, but only one and it was her small makeup case. With a question on my face I pointed at the bag.

"Is that it?" I asked.

Sheila gave me a patronizing smile. "Yes, that is it... besides the two in the closet I assume you already took out?"

I nodded and smiled back. "Yes love, they're already packed in the trunk, ready to go as soon as you are."

Sheila looked around the room we were in. "Well, I suppose I should make a lap around the house and make sure everything that's supposed to be off is off, windows and doors are locked..." She looked towards the kitchen. "Oh yeah, and grab my purse, passport and stuff."

I chucked lightly at her. "Sure thing babe, I'll meet you out in the car."

"K." She responded as I turned and headed out to the car.

Inside the Mopar Grand I reached to the glove compartment and pulled out our tickets and started reading them over making sure everything was correct. I didn't want any delays when we went to port to board the cruise ship. It seemed like I'd just pulled the tickets out when I heard the screen door to the house slam; I looked up, Sheila was on her way to the car. Her face was set, business like at first, when she saw I was looking at her a smile broke on her face.

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