Chapter 5

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"Ung," Secchan groaned, waking up and rolling over. Temari was sitting on the edge of her bed, ready with a cup of coffee. Secchan opened one bleary eye and took in her surroundings, then closed it again.

"Huh. I must have had a good time last night," Secchan mumbled and rolled onto her stomach.

"What makes you say that?" asked Temari.

"My head is killing me, I can't remember most of the night, and I didn't wake up in a hospital bed or a police cell," Secchan explained, her voice muffled by the fact she was lying facedown in her pillow.

"Both of which have happened before," Temari said.

Secchan's head moved in a nodding motion. "Both more than once, actually. Remember that one time you were with me in the police cell."

Temari chuckled. "I'm still not entirely sure what we did that night. We were nineteen, weren't we?'

"Yeah. Soon after my first abortion."

Silence fell.

"Only thing I'm disappointed about is that there's no hot guy next to me. What happened to that sexy Kiba dude?"

"Oh, you guys were flirting the entire night. You expressed an interest in him to the entire party just before you took off your shirt and started dancing on the bar," Temari said wryly.

Secchan giggled, then quickly stopped. "Ow. Head. Did I fuck him?"

Temari cringed. "That you did. I was unlucky enough to hear you two in the alley."

"Oh, we did it outside? That explains why my back is sore," Secchan noted. She slowly rolled over onto her back. "It's not as sore as my head though."

"Oh right. Coffee?" Temari offered, holding out the mug.

Secchan's eyes shot open and she sat up quickly. "Coffee!" then she held her head and clenched her eyes shut. "Ow. Ow. Head. Ow. Temari-biscuit, I'm gonna need more than just coffee."

"I have Myprodol as well."

"Thanks," Secchan said, taking the pills and downing them with a gulp of coffee. "Now leave me to wallow until they kick in."

Temari laughed and got up, leaving Secchan nursing her cup of coffee.

Temari got herself a piece of paper and sat down at the table with a pen. She'd decided to write to her brothers and tell them, as she didn't feel like explaining the whole thing to them over the phone. And letters were slower. Hopefully by the time it got through... yeah. Well. Just... it delayed the inevitable confrontation.

After 15 minutes of deliberation, Temari finally put the pen to paper.


No. Ew. Not dear.

Hey there!

Ah yes, that's better.

Just wanted to write to my dearest darlingest younger brothers. How're you two doing? I hope you're not being too naughty! You know Santa doesn't give presents to naughty boys.

Temari giggled.

Oooh, they're gonna kill me for treating them like 5-year olds! Oh well, it's my prerogative as older sister.

You probably think something's up. And you're perfectly right! Well, something was up, which is the reason I am now-

No. Definitely not. Scratch that last sentence. They probably won't appreciate sex jokes coming from me. Now, where was I... 'And you're perfectly right!' Ah yes...

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