Chapter 2

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It was a Friday afternoon, and I was getting ready to head out to the Nightclub.

"See you guys later! I will probably be home at about 2 in the morning." I called out from the front door.

"Sounds good, I think I am going to go sell ice cream at the beach. Wish me Luck!" Michaila called back from her bedroom.

As I left the house and made my way to my car, I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Maybe I just had to poop, but I don't know. As I tried to shake the feeling off I prepared myself for tonight's crowd. It was a Friday, and the weekend nights were always packed with hundreds of guests. The drive was about twenty mins from my house to the club, so I turned on the radio and blasted the music. As I approached the stop light, I started to dance and do little movements. However the same weird feeling had emerged again in my stomach. What a mood killer, honestly...

A few moments later I reached the club. When I entered, I was greeted by my wonderful staff. My staff were amazing people, they respected me and the work that I did.

"Hey Bruce! How are you today? Looking handsome as ever!" I said to one of the staff.

Bruce was one of my Bouncers for my club. He was a tall, buff, middle aged man. He was in charge of keeping the sanity of the club under control as well as alerting me if anything went wrong.

"I am doing well Ms.Nikita." Bruce may seem like a big and tough guy, but he would never hurt a fly. This was definitely one of the traits I had admired about him.

"You know the rules for tonight, right Bruce? It's the weekend and a lot of people will be crowding around, which means you need to watch out for girls being lured and other dealings happening inside this club."

"I am always prepared for weekend nights Ms.Nikita, don't worry everything is under control." Bruce replied back, with rolling eyes. He knew very well of the rules I had put out for him and his team to follow. Weekend nights at clubs were always dangerous. There were a lot of incidents reported lately of girls being lured or sexually assaulted. I wanted to make sure that everyone was safe and protected, that was my number one rule. Another one was to keep eyes open for any drug dealings. My club had a lot of customers, and it was the perfect spot for "business".

By 11 pm, the club was packed with hundreds of customers. It looked like it was going to be a good night. While I was standing on the second floor, I scanned the bar and the dance floor below. People were dancing, laughing, and having a great time. The lights were beaming on every inch of the walls, creating patterns and waves of colorful lights. I started to feel a smile come upon my face, nothing was better than watching people enjoy the music and move like no one was watching. Suddenly the feeling in my stomach returned, making the smile on my face disappear.

'Seriously, am I having period cramps? Like what is happening?' I thought to myself, while I gripped on to my lower part of my stomach.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab onto my shoulder. I immediately grabbed the hand and twisted it. I looked at who's hand touched my shoulder, and to my surprise it was Bruce.

"Oh my god Bruce, I am so sorry!" I let go of Bruce's hand and covered my mouth.

Bruce pulled back his hand and was rubbing his wrist to make it feel better. "It is alright Ms.Nikita."

When I finally came to my senses, I realized that Bruce doesn't come up to me during open hours, unless something was wrong.

"Is everything alright, Bruce?" I said in a serious tone

"A matter of fact, no. There are three men downstairs selling drugs to our customers. I told them to leave but they are putting a fight and asked to talk to the owner."

I followed bruce to the seating area. In one of the large booths, sat three men negotiating with another man who was holding a briefcase.

"Hello sir, may ask what you are doing?" I said to the first guy I spotted.

The man turned his head and looked at me with disgust in his eyes. When I scanned his face I noticed that he had a scar that stretched from his eyebrow to his cheek. The man looked at me from top to bottom and his eyes landed on Bruce, who was standing behind me.

"I thought I told you to bring me the owner, not some ugly bitch." The man scowled at Bruce.

Bruce motioned to reach into his pocket for the taser. At the same moment, the two men behind the scarred face guy, reached into their pocket for something else. Were they reaching for a weapon? I thought to myself. I put my hand up in front of Bruce to motion him to stop.

"I am the owner." I said sternly at him.

The man laughed at my statement, as though he has never heard of women empowerment.

"You are funny, but I am not here for a joke. I am doing business here, so if you don't mind why don't you take your little high heels somewhere else and bring me the actual owner."

I was now furious. How can someone came into my nightclub and disrespect me. I looked around me and spotted one of the kitchen staff walking with food. I pulled her arm and stood her right next to me facing the booth. This surprised the man with the scar.

"I thought I told you to leave." The man Scoffed.

Looking straight into the man's eyes I said. "Mia" (Kitchen Staff's name) "what is my name?"

Mia looked at me with fear. She had never seen me like this before.

"Ma'am your name is Nikita Miller." Mia said with a shaky voice.

I could tell I was putting a lot of stress on Mia, but I had to prove my point to this jerk.

"And what position am I in?" Still making harsh eye contact with the man. He started to squeeze his eyebrows together, making him look angry. I could tell he was holding himself back from throwing a punch.

"Um... Ma'am you are my boss. The owner of this club." Mia was sweating and becoming nervous from the tension that was forming between me and the man. I dismissed Mia, and slammed my hands on the table.

"Now you know who I am." I put my head close to the mans face and said in a low voice. "So pack your little business up or I swear I will call the cops."

The man looked at me, uncertain whether I would stick to my words or not. Suddenly the man with the briefcase, who was the potential buyer, interrupted.

"The deal is off, never bother me again."

The man with the scar swung his head to the briefcase man. "No no please wait for a second, I can't lose this deal!" The man with the scar dropped to his knees, and was pleading.

"You wasted my time tonight." The man with the briefcase pulled his leg away from the clasp and stormed out of the Club.

Getting up from his knees, the man with the scar pulled me towards him whispering into my ear.

"You cost me a lot tonight honey, you better pray nothing happens to you." My eyes widened with fear. I had just been threatened. The man nodded to his men and walked out of my club. I was gasping and worried if I should call the cops, but then I reassured myself that I was bad bitch, and no one could make me feel scared.

Later that night after locking up the club, I ran to my car watching my back with every move. Once I arrived home I felt at ease.

"Hey Nikita, you look scared. Is everything alright?" Esther said to me from the couch.

After I told Michaila and Esther what had happened tonight, we all were scared and decided to sleep in the same room together. We gathered supplies from the kitchen such as knives and snacks and hid them under our pillows. We all cuddled together, with feeling the warmth of them by my side, I fell into a deep sleep.

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