Sunday morning tea

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Autumn POV

It was the next morning as I woke up and stretched in my bed, slightly tired from the night before.

I had so much fun with Harry and I had just remembered that he asked me to join him for tea this morning.
"Luna?" I say, questioning if she's awake yet.
"Autumn?" Luna questions and giggles. "Oh, you're up? I was expecting you to already be in the common room." I state. "Nope, I decide to wait for you." She says and smiles.

"Last night was so memorable and the stars were astounding." I spoke.
"I'm glad we share the passion for stars" Luna says and giggles. "blimey, it's already 8:30... I'm suppose to meet Harry at 9:00." I say and jump out of my bed.
Luna laughs and says, "You better wear a jumper, it's quite chilly today."
"Ok! Thank you, Luna." I reply quickly as I put on my Ravenclaw jumper.

I finished getting ready and left my dorm to meet Harry in the main room. I check my  watch and read that it is 8:57, "I'm gonna be just on time." I spoke quietly.
I walk into the main room and see Draco sitting on that same velvet chair reading the same book he was reading the other night. "I wonder if he has been spying on me", I wonder to myself.
I suddenly see Harry walk in with tea supplies and biscuits. "Hey, Harry!" I cheerfully state. "Hello, Autumn." He says and smiles.

I glance over at Draco and see him peering from his book, looking rather annoyed at Harry.
"Let's start on the tea" Harry spoke.
"Ok! I just want to say that I had a really good time last night." I mention. "I did as well." Harry asserts.
"I barely got any sleep last night." I say. "Me too." Harry says as both of us laugh. "So, What is your favorite-" Harry speaks as he gets interrupted. "Hello, Autumn." speaks a voice. I turn around and say, "Hello... Cedric."

I was expecting it to be Draco but Cedric had been taking interest in me lately. I turn to look at Harry as he seems quite annoyed. He says, "Hello, Cedric."
"Oh, I'm sorry... did I interrupt you?" Cedric apologized. As I start to speak up, Harry says, "Actually... yes, you did." I had never seen Harry like this, he seemed almost... jealous?
"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to say hello to Autumn." Cedric awkwardly replies. "It's alright. how are you doing, Cedric?" I assure.
"I'm doing well, how are you? He asks and smiles. "I'm well, just kind of tired from last night" I reply and laugh.

"Oh, did you enjoy it?" He asks.
"Yes, I did. It was super fun!" I express. "Did you have a good time?"
"Yes, I didn't have much company but it was peaceful." Cedric explains,
"Well, I'll let you enjoy your tea"
"Thank you, Cedric" I spoke kindly.
"That was a little rude of him to interrupt us." Harry speaks.
"Yeah, I don't think he meant to though." I assure.
"If you saw two people having tea, would you interrupt them?" Harry asks and laughs.
"Oh, no... I wouldn't." I reply and nervously laugh. "I don't think Cedric thinks that much." the two of us laugh and enjoy our tea while having pleasant conversations.

*later in the afternoon*

I'm back in my dorm finishing some assignments as Luna reads a book about astronomy.
"So, do you like Harry?" Luna suddenly asks. "Well... I don't know. I think he's polite and I always have a nice time talking to him, But I'm afraid I don't know him Well enough to know if I like him." I reply.

"Oh, alright. Take your always have to make sure he's the right one." Luna says and winks at me.
Both of us laugh and I ask, "Are you meeting with Neville today?"
"Yes, actually... he wanted to play wizards chess with me this afternoon. We would do something outside, but it's rainy." Luna explains.
"Oh, that sounds fun! I cheerfully state. "Yeah, I'm excited. Would you and Harry like to join us?" Luna asks.
"Thanks for inviting me, but I need to finish more assignments and I've also been wanting to read this new book I got." I explain. "Oh, ok. Let me know if you change your mind." Luna says.

"Do you have your eye on anyone else other than Harry?" Luna asks.
"Well... kinda. Cedric Diggory has taken a interest in me lately." I reply.
Part of me wanted to say Draco Malfoy, but I felt too embarrassed to speak of that.
"Oh, really? I don't know much about Cedric. I heard that he's a flirt but that might just be rumors, he's very attractive though." Luna says and giggles. "He is very handsome" I confirm and laugh.

The two of us have normal conversation until Luna has to go meet with Neville. "Hmm... I only have one assignment left, so I might as well go to the main room when I finish." I say to yourself. I wondered if Draco might be there, then I'd have an opportunity to get to know him.
I finished the rest of my assignments and went down to the main room.
Luna sees me and says, "Hey, Autumn! I knew you'd change your mind."
Both of us laugh as I sit down on the couch. "So, how's the game going?" I curiously ask. "Pretty well, Neville is winning though." Luna replies and rolls her eyes but smiles right after.

"Do you know if Harry is coming to the main room today, Neville?" Luna asks.
"I'm not sure, he usually does on weekends though." Neville replies.
All of the sudden Draco walks in and I think to yourself, "this is the perfect opportunity. Nothing will stop me from talking to him this time."
Then... Harry walks in and my face drops. "Hey, Autumn! Good to see you, again." Harry says and chuckles.
At this point he can tell I'm  not happy... I mean the one time I get the opportunity to talk to Draco, Harry walks in. They are literally sworn enemies, It's not that I don't want to talk to Harry... I just want to talk to someone else at the moment. Someone I've wanted to talk to since day one of school.

"Is everything alright, Autumn" Harry asks.
"Oh, yes. Sorry... I'm just super tired and I zoned out." I explain and chuckle.
"Oh, alright." Harry replies and laughs.
"Hey Harry! You're just in time... Autumn just got here only a few minutes ago!" Luna states and winks at me. I roll my eyes and wish I could tell her about who I wanted to talk to. Harry and I sit on the couch and watch Luna and Neville play wizards chess...Harry looks entertained, but I can't help but glance over at Draco.

*chapter end*

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