~1~ Uh Oh!

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~Niall's Point Of View~

"You three again? You're never outta this place! What can I get ya? The usual?" Eleanor laughed taking out her notebook, Me, Lou and Lexi laughed too.

"The usual for mee!" I smiled.

"Me too!"

"And me!" Louis and Lexi screamed back.

"I'll be back in a few minutes then!" She smiled.

"Lou, Watcha reading now?"

"I don't know but it's interesting.."

Lexi rolled her eyes and looked at me. "Hey Nialler! Prom's in a month! You goin with anyone special?" She winked.

"No!" I laughed. "I don't think I'ma go at all.." Her eyes widened.

"NIALL! It's prom! You HAVE to go!"!

"Why do I 'have' to go?"

"Because it's prom! Everyone goes! Just with friends or with a date! You can come with me and Louis!" She smiled.

"Ugh. Fine! I'll go with you and Louis!"

Louis looked up at the sound of his name. "Wah?"

Me and Lexi laughed as Eleanor walked over with our drinks.

"There you go!" She smiled putting them down on our table. "Anything else?"

"No thanks El! We're okay!" Lexi smiled. Eleanor looked over at Lexi and her eyes widened.

"Lexi, Your hair.. Is bright.. Bright purple!" 

Lexi shrugged her shoulders. "I know! It'll be green next week!" She smiled.

"New hair every week Lexi!" I laughed and she stuck her tongue out at me and I stuck mine out at her. That's my two best friends, Weird hair girl and the book worm. Still love them though!

Then Liam and everyone walked in, Oh great.. Liam's perfect though, That perfect brown hair.. Those amazing brown eyes.. He's just wow.

~Liam's Point Of View~

Me, Danielle, The boys and Danielle's girls walked into Starbucks, Looked around and guess who's here? The nerd herd. Niall, Lexi and Louis.. They're never outta this place, Don't they have a life?! Danielle started walking over to them and we all followed. When we got to their table I threw my arm around Danielle.

"Look who's here! The retards with no lives!"

Lexi threw her a look and replied, "We enjoy having no lives, Thanks for trying to insult us though!" She laughed, Giving Niall a high five.

I looked over at Louis and he was staring at someone. I followed his eye direction to realize it was Harry he was staring at, Harry was staring right back. Louis blushed and looked down to his book again. What?

"Eugh! Shut up! You're nothing! Don't know why you try to be something! Worthless rat!" Danielle spat.

"I'm sorry, I don't try being anything, I have all I need so why would I?" Lexi grinned.

"Look! You'd better watch your mouth! You're in for getting hurt if you don't shut it! You're a nobody and nobody cares about you! Apart from these two, Retards! Gay boy and book worm!" Danielle spat again, Knocking Louis' book off the table.

"HEY! I WAS READING THAT!" Louis cried, Picking the book up again.

"Oh boo hoo!"

Lexi stood up with her milkshake in her hand, Suddenly, She dumped it right on Danielle's head. I jumped back before it could hit me, So did the others.

"Whoops! Hand slipped!" Lexi smirked sitting down again. 

Danielle gasped. "I'll get you for this Dale! Watch your back!" Danielle walked out and I followed, Throwing my arm around her waist again. 

"Those idiots won't get away with it don't worry." I smiled pecking her cheek.

"Yeah you got that right Payne!" She snapped.

"Why are you calling me by my second name?!" I asked, Letting go of her waist.

"Because I'm angry! Get over it! Unless you wanna go join the idiotic group?!"


"Thought so! Now come on!"

You Were Mine For The Summer ~Niam Horayne~ *NOT UPDATING*Where stories live. Discover now