Chapter 4: Almost Fun

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[Chris's perspective] "I didn't know," I repeat. "She's dead," I cry.

"Who's dead," The Demon worriedly asks.


"I had a vision before some woman had died. It was her, I think I predicted the future. The demon we killed was the one who offed her."

"Luna's gonna be upset," The Demon sighs.

"Chris stay here I'll be back." The Demon leaves me. I hate this. More than anything. My life changed too quickly, too fast. One day I fuck my girlfriend and the next day I wake up and demons are talking to me.

The Demon says to have faith, but how am I supposed to do that. I'm expected to kill a race of beings. Evil beings. My nose keeps bleeding, my arm feels like it's been stabbed and I've been having visions.

My eyes feel blurry when I return to the real world. Or am I even in the real world? I hear the door slam. I walked into the kitchen drained.

"Where the hell is the car," Mom barges in.

"I don't know," I lie.

"I called the police, but nobody believes me. Why the hell would I lie about that?"

"Um...maybe because you're a crack-head."

"Haha, very funny." Mom rolls her eyes. "Did you pick up your brother?"

"Holy shit," I get up.

"What have you been doing for the past 5 hours?"

More like the last 11 hours.  "It's fine Mom I'll go get him."

"It's 7:00 pm, Chris. Your acting like he'd still be at school," Mom knocks me into reality.

"Fuck, Mom I'll find him." I called Alejandro he said he might be with Brooklyn and Loyalty.

I rushed over to Loyalty's and she was pushing him on the swing. "Chris you left your brother at school."

"Yeah, I know." I scratch my head.

"Chris," Jamian runs to me.

"I was so scared the teachers would call the police when mommy didn't come."

"It's okay, I'm sorry. I got really sick." I go down to his level and kiss him on the forehead. "Hold on Jamian I should talk to Loyalty."

"Sure!" Jamian skips to my skateboard.

"I know I look like an asshole."

"It's fine Chris you didn't feel well, at all. You could have told me to pick him up." Loyalty cleans up the toys Jamian must have been playing with. "They did call the police. My dad came and he took both of us here."

"And I thought your dad already hated me," I sigh.

"Baby I'm sorry my dad doesn't like you. He's just mad cause I'm not 6 anymore. Been like that for 12 years."

"I guess." Loyalty kisses me on the cheek.

"Maybe one day you can come over and meet him."

"It's not like I'm your boyfriend," I chuckle hardly.

"Oh, your not." Loyalty looks at the ground to cover her frown. It's almost like we both didn't know our boundaries.

"Sorry, I'm ignorant," I apologize.

She picks up the mess and goes into the house, completely ignoring me.

"Come on Jamian." I let Jamian lay on my back while we walk home. He must have fallen asleep, cause I heard him snoring. I made some taco rice once we got home. I kinda felt down more than usual.

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