Some fight the darkness, others become it~

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Rosé stayed silent. When Jisoo's hand kept stroking her flushed cheek, she thought an army of butterflies began to fly in her stomach. Many times, Rosé tried to turn her head aside or break the stare though something held her back. 

The oldest started to think Rosé needed an awakening. Maybe a light slap on the blondes cheek. "Rosé?"

When she finally noticed how long she'd been staring at her, she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself at least 6ft and suffocate of embarrassment. 

"You don't have-" "No! No, I will! I'm sorry." Jisoo grimaces, lowering her hand on her shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze. "What for?" She breathed "This is so, embarrassing." stepping towards her bed.

"Can I trust you?" Rosé quietly asked staring down at her hands. "You're welcome to I won't force you. It's up to you." Jisoo said. "I don't see why not." Jisoo's eyes deepen, a satisfied smile gradually returning. Right after their conversation came to a hold, Jisoo's phone buzzed in her pocket. 

Rosé saw her frown while tapping her fingers on the screen. She wanted to ask if Jennie texted her but was afraid it would sound rude. Rosé looked at the time and collected her bag from the desk, speaking a small goodbye stepping out. 

Her first class physics required to work in a pair. Lisa and herself already started working on an assignment about risks of climate change.

Now that Lisa was no longer here she thought about skipping. There happened to be a similar face making its approach around the corner. Her pout widens into a little smile. "Hey, Jason." "Hey, have you seen Lisa? I tried calling her she didn't answer." Rosé shook her head, flashing a smile of sadness. "She's missing." "What?" He scowled. She swallowed the lump in her throat, to prevent her voice breaking.

Her eyes chase along the floor, picking her paste-up and spoke with a louder voice. "She's gone." "Where?" Jason followed along. "I don't know! That's why I said she's missing because I have no clue where she is!" Her voice sailed down the hall, watching students heads turn in the direction while long silence occurred. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so stressed, this is ridiculous I've lost my mind." She held her head in her hands. Jason softens his face, holding her in his arms, rubbing her back. "I'm sorry."


When she could recognise past the trees, the outline to her university, she twisted her way out if Jennie's hold running up a slope of leaves. 

"Lili, your foot careful," Jennie warned, catching up with the blonde. Lisa didn't stop running till she was out of the woods, by then Jennie managed to catch up. "What's the hurry?" "Nothing, carry me, please. From the front." Lisa grinned. "All right, come." She jumped, circling her legs around Jennie's waist as the feline proceeded to hold her hips.

"Okay, you can walk now. Do you know where you're going?" "Maybe." Jennie kissed her cheek before walking towards a back glass door that led to a hallway. "What do I tell Rosie?" Lisa teased her fingers in Jennie's hair. "Say you were lost?"

"I doubt she will believe that." Lisa sighed softly worrying about the stress her best friend had got during her sudden absence she was thinking, Rosé could've turned their dorm room upside down or freaked Jennie's sister out. 

 "She doesn't know about you either I can't just say I started dating you," Lisa whined, digging her teeth in the side of Jennie's neck, expecting a reaction of pain. "Doesn't that hurt?" She asked, kissing the bite mark.

"Just," Jennie said. The blonde apologized for biting her, placing dozens of soft kisses on the redness, listening to Jennie laugh when her warm tongue flicked against her neck.

"What are you doing?" Lisa smiled in her neck. "I'm licking it better. Oh, it's gone worse." The blonde sulked. Jennie shook her head, pulling the door welcomed with warm air. "You can put me down." The feline walked along the hall. Not a student was insight meaning class had begun. She stopped at their room number and allowed Lisa to stand. 

Jennie opened the door and saw Jisoo adjusting her tie in the mirror. "Hey, Lisa." Jisoo smiled at her in the mirror. Lisa mouthed a bashful hi, walking to her bed.

"Uh, Jen?" Her sister called. Jisoo sharped her gaze and flickered her eyes between Jennie and the empty bed before leaving the two alone. The feline walked to Lisa, laying herself on top of her. "Darling?" Jennie whispered, rolling next to Lisa.

She opened her arms with a soft smile. "Come here." Lisa moved forward, nudging her nose in Jennie's chest.

"I need to talk to Rosie when she has her lunch break. Wake me up in a few please." The blonde said yawning. "I will." Her eyes fall heavy, concentrating on the rhythm of Jennie's heartbeat.

Jennie waited patiently until she heard the soft snores. The feline reached in her back pocket fisting something in her hand. She loosened it and a small pink box rested on her palm. She removed the lid, staring at the charm of a silver moon. "Do what you're made for."



I almost took a month to update I'm so sorry for the wait and short chapter. 

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