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Knock knock knock.
Oh good afternoon teruhashi
Good afternoon  Ms.saiki, I came by to give saiki his homework.
Oh sure no problem, come on in her up stairs watching TV
She walked up stair and opened his door and said "saiki"
However she realized he wasn't there and thought " huh that's weird I thought his mom said he was upstairs in his room"
Then out of nowhere saiki teleported into his room right in front of teruhashi.
Yesterday saiki discovered the germanium ring and realized he couldn't hear anyone's thoughts and realized he would be able to watch TV without any spoilers and so decided to watch TV for the next 24 hours after about 20 hours in his stomach started to growl.
He wanted some coffee jelly and went downstairs and looked in the kitchen.
"Yare yare"
He realized there wasn't any left
He then teleported the convience store and picked up some coffee jelly and then he teleported back into his room to quickly return to watching TV.
When he did he realized teruhashi was right there in front of him.
He saw teruhashi right in front of him freaking out
She just saw him teleport into his room.
She was freaking out, " how did he just appear out of nowhere what's going on is he a magician"
She kept on thinking theses crazy thoughts until she said "saiki how did u appear out of nowhere"
"Yare yare"
Just then the door opened and his mom came into his room and said "dinners ready"
Teruhashi freaking out said "Ms.saiki saiki just appeared out of nowhere"
She paused and looked at saiki and thought for a while and said " oh that's because he's psychic"
"What!!!" Teruhashi screamed
"Yeah he's psychic he has psychic abilities"
Saiki stunned at the fact that his mom revealed his abilities was frozen solid in shock.Teruhashi looked at saiki then back at his mom then back at saiki and said "is this true"Saiki realized that he couldn't do anything but tell the truth for the time being said "yes I'm psychic"
"Well you two have a lot to talk about" saiki's mom said and closed the door and left.

"Wait So you can like move things with your mind"
"Yeah that's one of my abilities"
"Yeah one"
"How many abilities do u have"
He began to list off the abilities he said until he said telepathy
Teruhashi froze when she heard that and thought wait did he say he had telepathy now I must of misheard cause if he did then that means he must of heard everything I have thought which includes all the fantasy's I have about him and every I love you saiki.Um saiki uhh did you say telepathy her face pinkSaiki paused and said yeah in a quite voice.
Her face went dark red and she ran out the door and ran all the way home.
Yare yare I guess I better go ready to erase her memory.He went downstairs for dinner and glared at his mom and said why did u tell her I was psychic
Well u should tell your friends shouldn't you, you should trust them, and Teruhashi seems to really like you and doesn't seem like the type of person to tell everyone your secret.
That's what she said though but thought " hehe Teruhashi might be the one kuu chan will marry and then I will have psychic grand babies!!!! I'm so excited.
Yare yare, doesn't matter though because I'm just gonna erase her memory.
She turned around with fangs and horns and said you will do nothing of that sort do I make myself clear.
He gulped and nodded.
She then smiled " I can't have him erasing her memory's and jeopardizing my future grandbabies" she thought
Yare yare it's because this stupid germanium ring I'm never using this again
Ugh it's gonna be a pain to explain everything to her tomorrow and try to convince her not to tell everyone.
He was exhausted and hungry and couldn't even think.
Yare yare tomorrow gonna be a pain
Teruhashi rushed home and ran straight into her room.
She was freaking out she thought that he was lying or that this was this was a dream but realized that it wasn't a dream and that he really did teleport right in front of her.
He knows how I feel and everything I have ever thought
He knows about my plan to make him offu and the fact that I'm in love with him.....
He knows of every fantasy I have ever had about him
Steam came out of her ears and she was red in the face.
If he knew how I felt then y didn't he say anything or do anything, why did he avoid me, starting to get a little depressed
Wait now I know his secret and since I do maybe I can not entirely blackmail him but get him to take me on a date or something and if he doesn't I tell people his secret. (This is blackmail btw)
At first she was a little depressed but now she was reinvigorated and thought now that I know his secret now I can make him offu and make him fall in love with me.
With that she began to plan her next move.

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