• Golden Tears • ANGST

15 0 1

It was a cold morning, Y/N sipped their hot coccoa in their hands as they looked out their window. Just a momment later they get a message from "mad pomeranian" Y/N quickly goes on their phone to read the message.

Mad Pomeranian:
we need to talk 👿👿 go park now hoe

                                 ok 👉👈


Y/N felt sus about mad pomeranian- something was up. Until they read the text again. "Was he going to break up with me?" Thought Y/N, of course Y/N didnt want to think much of it, so they put on their coat and hat then left.

"Why did you take so long ❗❗❗" said bakuhoe, "Sorry, sorry I had to get ready- I mean look how cold it is Bakuhoe.." Y/N said, Y/N looked bakuhoe up and down, he was wearing a neon green shirt and red shorts, Y/N was suprised he was able to come out wearing that--   "Listen I gotta say this quickly because im leaving tommrow to see my therapist." Y/N stood still, scared of ehat will happen. "Deku told me to say this so I don't regret it.." Y/N started to feel their eyes tear up as they fiddled with their fingers,


part 2 when i feel like it 🙄🙄🙄

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