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Hey so I'm looking back at this and it's really bad LMAO as this progresses though it gets better!


Prompt: Bad and Skeppy go shopping together for clothes, and Skeppy takes advantage forcing Bad to wear a certain something. Happytwt go brr after seeing the photo of Bad Skeppy tweeted O_O

350+ words


Also quick thing: if you wanna give a request you can request here 👍 no limits

(This story isn't really skephalo btw, it's mainly just them being friends in this one lol, I might do a lot like this one since I don't wanna make them uncomfortable if they see this </3)


"Come on!"

Skeppy whined, holding the strawberry dress up to Bad. "N-no! Why are you wanting me to wear all of this so badly?" Bad whispered to him, people started staring. It was like he was taking care of a child. They were shopping for new clothes, after being roommates for a couple months they decided to spend some time just together outside. The clothes they owned were getting old anyways.

Skeppy decided to take advantage, and take care of all the fan service. He luckily found the strawberry dress, remembering all the fanart he saw of Bad in it.

Finally, after all the convincing Bad grabbed the dress and walked towards the stalls in the back. "This is so stupid," he mumbled.

Skeppy sat at the bench outside the stall, scrolling through Twitter. And keeping his camara app open to snap a quick photo of him in it. He giggled, imagining what he'd look like in it.

Two minutes later, Skeppy heard a click. He looked up as the stall opened and saw Bad walk out. "We're not going to get it by the way. After we have to put it back, okay Skeppy?" He looked down blushing. Luckily nobody saw him in this. That would be really bad.


Bad looked up, Skeppy's phone stood up towards him. After processing what happened he widened his eyes, "Skeppy don't you dare," he warned. Shortly after a dinging sound came from his phone in his hand. 1 notification: Skeppy Tweeted BAD IN A DRESS?? WHAT WILL HE DO? @ SaintsOfGa...

Skeppy looked up snickering, Bad blushed, "Skeppy, please delete that." He looked down again. "Pfft... no," Skeppy replied.

After a few seconds of Skeppy snickering to himself quietly, Bad replied to the tweet, ignoring everyone going crazy on his timeline.

1 notification: Badboyhalo replied: Fuck you. (╥﹏╥)

(aaaaAAAA sorry it's short! This idea just came up in my head and thought I should write it lmao)

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