Spin The Bottle

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Prompt: Zak has a crush on Darryl (I'll be using their real names in this one, imagine your teacher calling you your minecraft username lmao), and he decides to shoot his shot at a party while playing spin the bottle.

1400+ words

They are both teenagers in this story :]



The bell rung and the students got out of their seats, "alright class, have a good summer break, make sure to finish your summer homework and have fun," the teacher lectured as the teens ran out of the door. "Hey, Zak, come here for a second," he stopped and looked towards the teacher, "yeah?"

"All f's, you see? You need to turn in your assignments. Is everything okay at home?" The teacher held up his grades, "ah- erm, yes everything is good at home, sorry, oh look at the time! I gotta go! Bye!" He rushed out the door as the teacher yelled at him to come back. "What happened?" Darryl, his best friend said to him- and what so happened to be his crush too.

"Nothing, just said goodbye to him," Darryl rolled his eyes and smiled, "yeah right," "yeah right? What? Did you think I got in trouble or something?" Darryl looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "okay fine, maybe just a little, but nothing bad okay?" He giggled at his response, eventually they both broke down in giggles as they walked home together.

"Hey! Zak, Darryl, I'm having a party next Saturday, my parents aren't gonna be home," the popular boys and girls in his class said to him, his friends tailing him. Darryl looked at him and signaled to him to say no, but he ignored him. "Oh, yeah we're not doing anything next Saturday, right Darryl?" "Y-yeah, I'm not busy," he sighed in defeat, "great! See you there, here's my address and phone number if you need help," the boy gave a paper to each of them and ran off.

"Can we please not go?" Darryl said to him as soon as they started walking again. "What? Why?" "I don't know... Just, I thought we were hanging out on saturday, just the two of us,"

Zak looked at him, "come on, is this seriously how you're going to spend your highschool life? Cooped up indoors doing nothing? Come on, Darryl! Have a little fun for once," "but I have fun when it's just the two of us!" "Pleaseee?" "Ugh, fine, I'll come with you to the party," he said in defeat.

"Yay!" Zak hugged Darryl as they walked, "okay get off of me," "fine,"

"Can I hug you now?" "No!"


Zak arrived at the house, seeing Darryl walking on the sidewalk, "still can't believe I'm actually doing this," Darryl said to him as they began to walk towards the door together, "well every average teenager has to do this at least once in their lives, right?" "Is that a rule or something?" "Yep," "oh really, by who?" "By.... None-ya," "Who's that?"


They walked into the door and saw kids dancing, talking, and everything that looked like it was from a movie. "What do we even do here?" Darryl said to Zak, "I'm not sure, but I do see drinks!"

"I- Zak I'm not drinking tonight," "what?? I meant like fruit punch, Darryl I didn't know you liked that stuff," "I don't! That's just the average term for it!" Zak grabbed his hand and walked through the crowd towards the kitchen, "here, take a cup, what do you wanna drink?" He thought for a second then responded, "Uhm, water," "wow, so basic," he snickered to him, "I'm not!" "I'm just kidding, also lighten up a little, you're not having fun!"

"I'd have more fun if these idiots didn't tell every second, it's hurting my ears," before he could respond a kid on the couch got up and yelled, "anyone down for some spin the bottle?"

A couple people came to play, then Zak came up with an idea, "wanna play?" "No, Zak, I'm not getting my first kiss getting stolen by a stranger." "It might not be a stranger though, what if it lands on me?" "Oh my goodness, Zak, no, I'm not doing it." Zak pouted and looked towards the ground.

"...fine! Fine, let's go," Darryl gave up at this point and gave in. "There we go! Look at you, you are having so much fun now, right?" "Yeah. Totally."


"Alright! Who's going first?" A girl raised her hand, "me!" She grabbed the bottles and spun it lightly, the bottle spun around and eventually it landed on another girl, "oh, can we spin again?" Everyone groaned, "that's not how you play it! You have to kiss whoever it lands on. No backing out," someone said to her, "fine," the two girls quickly kissed, people cheered and some people snickered. The game continued. After about fourteen turns passed it was finally Zak's turn, he grabbed onto the bottle and spun it. He stared at Darryl, he noticed he had his head down, two seconds later he looked down at the bottle. It pointed towards Darryl.

"Darryl? You awake?" "Y-yep! Oh who's turn is it?" He said to him, "Mine," he responded.

"Oh, spin it then," "I did," "what?" He looked down at the bottle and got up, "I gotta use the uhm- restroom." Everyone groaned, the two boys looked down.

"Fine, fine." Zak looked up to Darryl, "no, no really Darryl we don't have to if you want," "no! You wanted to play the game right? And you wanted me to lighten up. So I'm doing as you say,"

"Okay, but make it quick."

Darryl pulled him in and kissed him, "there, I did it." Zak thought for a moment, "wait didn't you say this would've been your first kiss?" "What? When did I say that?" The other teenagers began to play more, "when we got our drinks, Darryl, don't tell me you actually DRANK drank," "Oh my goodness, I did say that," they both looked down, "well I'm glad I was your first," he said to him.

"Y-yep," they both stayed quiet. "Well, can we go home now?" "Yeah, yeah we should go now."


They both arrived at Zak's house, "wanna stay over tonight? It's really dark out right now," "oh, sure," they both walked in, trying to stay quiet to not wake up Zak's parents. They both walked upstairs into his bedroom. "So, what now?" "Wanna play some games?" "We can't play spin the bottle again, it's impossible to play with only two people Zak." "No! Not that type of game," "So you wouldnt kiss me again?"

Darryl looked at Zak, "what? Since when did I say that?" "Oh! So you would kiss me again?" "I didn't say that either!" Zak giggled, "anyways, wanna play a video game or something?" "Sure,"

After hours of playing Zak yawned, "I think I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight Darryl," "wait! Where am I gonna sleep??" "Oh, Uhm, on the floor?" Zak teased him, "no! Zak, that's uncomfortable," "okay, wanna sleep with me?"

"W-what?" "Oh not like that you weirdo, also don't make it weird enough as it already is. We slept in the same bed many times as kids," "okay! Okay, fine. I won't question it," Zak flopped onto the bed, Darryl getting in too.

"Well, goodnight Zak!" "You're hogging the blanket," "what?! No I'm not, if someone is hogging it it's definitely you,"

Zak moved himself and hugged him, "how about we just do this? Warmth for both of us, equally!" "Z-Zak?! No! Get off!" "You never let me hug you!" "Yeah, because it's weird," "only if you make it weird," "oh my goodness, fine. Just tonight though. And never bring this up again." "Wow, I didn't know you'd actually wanna cuddle with me," "you also wanted it!"

Zak hugged him tighter, "Zak, stop, I'm trying to sleep," "no," they said tiredly. "Did you like it?" Darryl opened his eyes, "like what?"

"When we kissed at the party," "i- what?" "Did you like it?" Zak said to him, "wha- you answer first!" "Answer what??" Zak let go of him and sat up on the bed, "did you like the kiss??" Darryl said to him this time, "no you answer first!"

"Fine! I thought it was okay, there!" "Okay!" They both stayed silent, Zak flopped back down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around Darryl again.

Three minutes passed, and Darryl broke the silence, "Zak? You still awake?" "Yeah, whats wrong?" "I- nothing," "no, what were you going to say?" "I forgot!" They whispered to eachother.

"I like you too," Zak said to him, "W-what?" Zak didn't respond, "Zak? Don't tell me you fell asleep-" he tried to get up but Zak pushed him back down and hugged him tighter. Before they knew it they both fell asleep.

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