Met Again

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Taehyung's POV

"Jungkook, I will get going." I said. "Yes, I will meet you tomorrow." Jungkook said. I nodded and got inside my private helicopter. I was going back to Korea. I had finished my business here. Jungkool wanted to stay here for a few days.

After a few times of flying, I reached Korea. I got down the helicopter as I went towards my car. "First go to Jennie's kindergarten. I will pick her up." I said to the driver as it was almost time Jennie's school was over. "Yes sir." the driver said.

We reached Jennie's kindergarten as I made my way towards the gate. I went inside and saw Jennie playing with the one that was invading my dreams and thoughts. She looked ethereal.

"Uncle tae." Jennie said as she ran towards me. I pick her up and hug her. I saw Jisoo coming towards me. My heartbeat started speeding as I saw her walking towards me.

This is not me.

She stopped infront of me and said "it seems like she really loves you." as she smile towards Jennie. I nodded and said "I have look after her since she was born." She just smile at me.

Now I noticed that her smile is heart - shaped. It can make every guy go crazy, to be honest.

"My name is Kim Jisoo." she introduced. "My name is Kim Taehyung." I replied.

I don't go around introducing myself to other people.

"Uncle Tae, Miss Kim is really nice, can't we let her visit our home." Jennie said. "Jennie yah, Miss Kim is busy. She can't just visit anyone's house." I said. "But I am not anyone, right Miss Kim." Jennie said, looking towards Jisoo with hopeful eyes.

I look towards Jisoo, waiting for her reply and I suddenly found myself praying that Jisoo would say yes.

She smile and said "it will not trouble you right." I smile and said "no, it would not. You sure can visit our home." "Then I would love to." Jisoo said.

"My working time is going to be finished, if you don't mind can you wait for me a bit." Jisoo said. I nodded vehemently. She went to a room and after a few seconds she return back with her bag and now she was wearing a sweater.

Once she stood infront of me I said "lets get going." She nodded and we went inside our car as Jisoo made herself comfortable. She look out of the window, enjoying the view.

She looked breathtaking.

After a few minutes the driver spoke "sir, we are here." as the car came to a halt. We got down the car and Jennie hold Jisoo's hand as she lead the way going inside our mansion.

Once we were inside the house Jennie said "Miss Kim, I will show you my room." Jisoo nodded and smile. Jennie took Jisoo with her as all the maids and gaurds stood there shock.

I don't blame them as I had never brought any girl in my mansion and treated her softly. "Get back to work everyone, now will you all do that." I said to everyone. They bowed to me and got back to work.

I went towards Jennie's room to see Jennie blabbering about her things to Jisoo. Jisoo look towards Jennie with so much adoration.

How I wish she would also look towards me with that stares.

I shook my head. "What I am even thinking?"  I murmured. "Oh! Taehyung you are here. Why don't you come inside." Jisoo said, looking towards me.

I went towards them and said "Jennie, why are you just blabbering about this things, Miss Kim will get bored."

"Ani, its okay. I love listening to her blabber. She is adorable." Jisoo said. "You are lucky that she is nice." I said as I pick Jennie in my arms. Jennie pouted and ask "is Miss Kim getting bored?" "Its a definite no. Miss Kim isn't getting bored." Jisoo said as she pinch Jennie's nose.

Jennie smile and said "Miss Kim, lets eat. I am hungry." "Lunch is ready, why don't you eat with us?" I said to Jisoo, hoping that she would stay longer with us. "Okay." Jisoo said. We got downstairs and sat on the dinning table.

The maids came and arranged our plates as they served our  food. "Let me help you." Jisoo said as she stood up. "Ma'am its not needed. You just enjoy the meal." the maid said. She smile and said "it wouldn't be a trouble. Let me help you." as she help those maids.

She is too kind.

After the meal was served, Jisoo took her respective seat and said "lets enjoy our meal." as we all started eating. We ate our lunch and finished it after a few minutes.

"The food was delicious." Jisoo said as she took the dishes and kept it in the sink. "Should I wash it?" she asked. The maids came and said "its not needed, we will not trouble you with it." she smile and said "thank you for the meal, it was delicious." as she bow to them.

She is literally an angel.

She turn towards us and said "I think, I should get going. Its getting late. My friend will be worried." "Okay, let me drop you to your house." I said. "No no, its okay. I will not trouble you with that. Besides, I can take a cab from here." Jisoo said. "It wouldn't trouble me, let me drop you home." I said. Jisoo smile and said "if you insist." "Take care of Jennie. I will drop Miss Kim to her home." I said to the caretaker. They bowed and nodded. "Lets go." I said to Jisoo as we went out.

We got inside the car as Jisoo instructed me the way. After a few minutes of driving Jisoo told me to stop. "Thats my house." Jisoo said. It was big enough for 2 people to fit in there.

"Will you come for a tea." Jisoo ask. "Its okay, I have to go. I have works to do." I replied. I had a meeting to attend. "Its okay.Thank you for the ride. Drive back safely." Jisoo said to me.

She was about to go when I ask her "are you single?" and I instantly regretted asking that question. She looked taken aback but smile as she said "I am single."


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