Welcome to hell Atsushi!

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Todays the day, Atsushi's first official day at boarding school....hooray?

He knows he should be grateful and happy, especially considering his current situation but he cant help but be a teensy bit frightened, right?

I mean he's already a month and a half late into the school year so everybody's probably found their friend groups and stuff making it even HARDER for Atsushi to fit in-

G rea t

Then again he may as well try seeing as this would be his home for the next 3 years as long as he didn't get himself into any trouble.

"Hopefully the short tour has granted you a bit more information on this school Nakajima?" Mori says

"Y-yeah! Thank you, sir!"

"RINTAROUUUU!!!" A high pitched voice yells, presumably from a small child and it seems to catch Mori's attention

"Ah, I wish I could've given you a better look around the school but I have some um..business to attend to-"

By business, he's probably referring to the girl who just screamed his name like bloody murder.

"I-Its fine, I dont mind!" Atsushi says to the man not wanting to be a nuisance on his first day, he had already felt like that enough at the orphanage.

"Now of course I won't be leaving you completely in the dark! I'll arrange to have someone give you a proper tour later today"


"Anyways hope you have a nice first day! I'm coming my darling Elise!!"
And with that, he was off!

Atsushi blinked a few times trying to comprehend everything that had happened in the last 30 minutes of being in this school, this was alot to take in-

So now Atsushi was kind of just standing in the middle of the hallway not exactly sure what to do at this point.

It probably would've been smart to ask where his dorm room is considering there seemed to be at least a billion doors at this school, but alas none of them seemed to lead to where he wanted to go.

Luckily, but also unluckily, most of the students at this point would be the cafeteria for breakfast or doing the homework they hadn't from the night before, though they were still a few odd people lingering in the hallways.

Two of them being a cheery and young looking teen(who didn't look any older than 14) and the other who was taller and looked like he was about to die of nervousness.

Maybe he could ask those two for directions?

"Morning Tsumiki!!"

"Morning Ranpo!"

"Morning Yosanoooo!~ Did ya sleep well?"
The boy named Ranpo asks with a smile and the girl he's talking to lets out a sigh

"Depends what you're interpretation of good sleep is-"
She groans taking a sip of an energy drink

Atsushi makes a mental note to get himself one of those later on today

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