Ch. 1 "The Beginning"

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                                                   Amelia POV 

My name is Amelia Tate and I'm a freak, I wear gloves due to the power I hold inside of me, I don't live anywhere specifically, well not anymore, 

You see a few years ago my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 Leukemia and she had to be hospitalized, she's the only family I have left, so when she was hospitalized they tried to put me in a foster home, well after three weeks of them treating me very badly I ran away, 

But I'm getting ahead of myself, 

I visit my mom every day, hoping that by some miracle that she would get better, that she would come out of this, but as I learned a few years ago, the world is a dark cruel place, 

It will beat you down to your knees if you let it, it will keep you there if you let it, nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain't about how hard you hit, 

It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, it's about how much you can take, 

That's how I learned every time I got hit, I just got back up, no matter how hard, I thought as I walked towards the hospital, 

I steal just to survive, I fight just to survive, in this cruel world it's survival of the fittest, 

I finally made it to her room, 

"Hey mom," I said sitting down, 

"Hey, my little snow flake," She said smiling at me weakly 

"How are you feeling?" I asked 

"I'm fine sweetheart, you don't need to worry about me," She said 

"Yes, I do mom," I said looking at her concerned 

"How's school?" She asked 

Truth be told I dropped out because I wasn't exactly living anywhere, and I just couldn't risk anyone finding me,

I've been also stealing money so I can pay for her bills, I hand as much as I can to the receptionist  when I have it, 

Sure it is stressful for a thirteen year old but what else can I do? 

I stayed with her until visiting hours were over, 

"Mis. Tate it's time to leave," The nurse said politely 

I nodded, 

"I'll see you tomorrow mom," I said kissing her on the cheek, 

"Okay, I love you my little snow flake," She said 

"I love you too," I said 

as I was walking out of the building I bumped into someone, I looked him in the eyes glaring, 

"Watch it," I said and kept walking 

You see I'm cold to people I don't trust and I trust very few people as I was crossing the street a commotion was going on, 

I see the avengers were fighting a group, known as HYDRA, how could you not know about them, they are stealing people off the street, word on the street is they are experimenting with people, 

"Look out!" I heard someone yell, 

I see a car come flying at me, I did the one thing that I knew would save me, 

I took my gloves off a formed thick huge Ice wall in front of me, 

Each and everyone of the avengers looked at me in shock, with that I took off running, not wanting to ever see them again

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