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"In all the years you've worked there you've never stayed late. Even when you were working at the other place, you'd always sent me a text to let me know if you were gonna be running over. It just feels a bit weird that you didn't do that...I dunno." Grace awkwardly laced and unlaced her fingers. Steve laughed at her softly and trailed his thumb affectionately along her cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner, it got a bit chaotic is all. If it happens again I swear I'll get in touch earlier than I did. What's all this about, hey?" His head was tilted sympathetically but then he straightened it, epiphany on his face. "Have you been talking to Crazel about this by any chance?"

Steve's nickname for her best friend made Grace smile a little. The affectionate banter she had with her friend was ten-fold with Hazel and Steve. He had come up with the nickname last year after a friendly argument about how crazy Hazel was. They had all fallen about with laughter after he had come up with it. Grace lowered her gaze, sheepish. "Oh for God's sake. I bet she's been filling your head with all sorts of 'men are evil' conspiracies-I can't believe you've actually been taking her seriously. I'm right aren't I? That's why you're being a bit...peculiar about the other day?" Steve said. He scrutinised Grace's expression to get his answer.

Reading her as easily as a kids' book, he laughed and took her head between his hands. "Your friend is mental. Don't let her feed you any ideas that aren't true. It's not like you to take any of her crap to heart. Come on, I love you." He kissed her. Grace had closed her eyes as their lips met. She felt horny straight away. She was reassured, loved. She wanted sex. Leaning back into Steve, she kissed him again with an open mouth, flitting her tongue inside to brush over his and then sucking on his bottom lip teasingly before pulling away. "Baby. Did I leave you wanting more after the other day?" Steve asked, a gorgeous half smile about his lips. Grace chuckled as she nuzzled into his neck, they would never be able to have secrets from each other-they knew one another's ways too well. "I was satisfied enough then, believe me. It's just that now I can't stop thinking about it..."

She let her words fall to a whisper as she softly kissed the delicate spot behind Steve's ear and then run her tongue down to his earlobe, sucking lightly and pulling away again to look into his eyes with an intense, loaded expression. Inviting. Daring, almost.

"You horny bitch," he joked and then, without warning, jumped up from the couch and took her by the wrist. He practically dragged her to the bedroom by her arm, Grace giggling behind him. He stripped her clothes off quickly and then threw her onto the bed while he removed all of his. She stared at him standing there for a moment as he stared at her. All these years and they still had wonderment in each other's naked bodies.

She admired his lengthening dick, watched how it grew stiffer and more upright by the second-just by seeing her breasts and her recently shaven mound. She loved the muscular 'v' shape at the bottom of his torso, almost like a toned arrow pointing downwards toward his manhood. Steve flexed his guns cheekily, knowing that he was being checked out and, in response, Grace cupped both of her breasts and jiggled them in a provocative manner. He laughed and crawled up on the bed to reach her. As Steve kissed her tenderly, Grace couldn't help but feel a little disappointment that the brutish forcefulness of the other night was absent. For some reason she had been hoping that the new, wild Steve would stay for a while. Nonetheless, as he trailed his hand down to her pussy and began to play with her clit by circling a fingertip on it, she soon got into the mood. He bit down on the area where her shoulder met her neck. It sent shivers down her body and made her break out in goose bumps.

Clasping his cock in her hands, she played with its hot smoothness, slowly moving her fist up and down as he kept just the right amount of pressure on her clitoris. Grace pushed Steve back gently so that he was lying on his back and straddled him, sitting upright. She hovered her pussy above his dick and pulled her lips apart with her fingers, touching herself so that he could see, wanting to give him something back, something to think about long afterwards. His dick jerked as he focused his gaze between her legs, watching as she slipped a finger inside herself and pulled it out again, using the wetness to lubricate her clit and then rub it up and down, making her eyes close with the pleasure of it.

Steve put his hands on her hips, his eyes firmly on her fingers, looking at how her pussy became more and more moist, its lips beginning to shine with juice as she continued to turn herself on. There was something erotic about her masturbating so openly in front of him and Grace soon found her breathing start to become laboured and heavy. Steve's cock continued to jerk and twitch in front of her but she resisted the urge to touch it. She wanted to try to push him-take him to a point where he wouldn't be able to bear it anymore. Then, he lifted her off and threw her over so that she was on her back with him looming above her.

"I can't take it anymore. I need to fuck you. Now." He put himself inside of her and thrust. It felt amazing, but she was annoyed that she hadn't been able to command him better, to keep him under her control. Also, she wished that she could have stayed on top this time. She wanted to have been able to control the pace and the angle, but Steve was too desperate. He pushed himself inside of her hungrily. Grace dug her nails into his back, arching hers and lifting her butt off of the mattress to get him in deeper.

Wicked Part 1Where stories live. Discover now