Nina's Beginning

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It was a bright sunny day in San Fransisco, California while Nina was playing with her playful owner Emma. Nina was only about 3 months old when she got adopted by Emma's mother, Kimberly and her father, Joseph. Emma got Nina a couple weeks ago for a birthday present, as she was turning 11 years old. Nina was a very playful puppy, but she always knew when it was time to rest and when it was time to have fun! 5 years later Emma's 16 birthday was coming up and as Nina grew she got tired and tired of playing all the time. Only in a week was Emma's party. Nina always got excited at Emma's birthday because she knew there would be lots of people who would love to pet her, there would be lots of food on the table so she could sneak some food under the table, Emma would open her presents while Nina was hoping for another dog because it got lonely when Emma went to school and Kimberly and Joseph were at work. It was finally Emma's birthday Nina thought. But instead of Emma waiting at the door with Nina for her friends Emma said, "Goodbye Nina, I love you. See you later." Nina thought, "What was happening? Did she do something wrong!?" She just remembered that a week ago she was on the phone with Gaia her best friend and she said to Gaia, "I cannot wait for my Sweet Sixteen this year, we are renting out a ball room and I'm inviting all of you! The only thing is I wish I could bring Nina, she is always with me on my birthday." And then Gaia said, "Don't worry Emma, trust me when you get home Nina will have something very exciting also, not just you." Emma has already left for her Sweet Sixteen and Nina was all alone once again but she was never alone on Emma's birthday. What was she still doing here the car hasn't left yet they are outside about to leave! Nina went out the doggy door and snuck into the car in the back. Emma seemed sad to Nina and she wanted to cheer Emma up, but she couldn't let anyone know she was in the car. Nina was relieved when they finally got there, she was getting a little car sick but once they open the doors Nina was completely fine. Emma left and Nina had to think of a way to get out of the car and inside with Emma. Nina thought, and thought, and thought, and finally she came up with an idea! She thought if she can sneak out the back she can go outside and hide to think of s plan to get inside the building so she can meet out with Emma. Nina was observing the building and watching people just pushing the door forward to get in easy enough right. Nina ran as fast as she could to the front door while it was clear and started pushing against the door. It slowly opened but she got it wide enough to squeeze in. She finally got inside but she she saw Emma she was surprised!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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