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This one shot is dedicated to a dear friend of mine on ffn so here ya go everyone a fluffy dosage of vaseshipping

Atem sighs as he exits the palace halls and makes his way towards the garden. Pleased that his studies were now over for the day Atem looks up at the evening sky. The sun was beginning to set which brought a tired smile upon Atem's face. His lessons which he used to not spare a second thought to, were so much harder now that he was older. He had not noticed it while growing up but with each passing year he grew his lessons grew in difficulty. It was something Mahad would scold him for not noticing sooner and Jono would laugh at him for. A fond smile replaces the tired one as the thoughts of his dear friends enters his mind.

Atem halts in his mindless wandering of the gardens and frowns slightly when he realizes he left one of his dear friends out of his ponderings. Mana was indeed his oldest friend, but lately he found himself thinking of her as less of a friend and more as something else. What that something else was exactly he wasn't sure and he also didn't know if he liked it. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts Atem begins to walk aimlessly once more.

The sound of melodious humming in the distance catches his attention and before he knows it Atem was walking towards the sound. Suddenly walking as silently as he could manage in his worn out state. Atem finds himself wondering who could be humming in his gardens at this time of day. Moving as deftly and using all the skills he learned that he could in this situation as possible Atem soon finds himself kneeling behind a papyrus plant. Moving aside the few reed like stalks that obscured his veiw

Atem's eyes fixate on Mana.

His eyes widen slightly as he takes in the sight of his childhood friend humming and dancing in the sand of his garden. Watching in utter silence Atem sees how Mana's body move about smoothly in an elegant dance.

Mana spins about on one foot with her arms raised over her head and her other leg bent at the knee. Pushing off with her left foot she springs into the air and spreads her right arm away from Atwm and her left to the sky. A peaceful smile adorns her face as she lands gracefully on her feet only to make a small leap to her left. Mana begins to make small leaps in a circle while spinning around in the air or on the ground as she moved her arms through the air in smooth elegant movements.

Suddenly the humming that had first brought Atem here and which he had forgot about in the face of Mana dancing stops. Mana stops her dancing soon after to which Atem holds back a disappointed groan so he wouldn't reveal that he was spying. Mana turns to look towards the right which one of the entrances to the garden was located.

"I think that is enough practice for today Mana," Isis the new High Priestess and newest member of the sacred guardians states in a gentle and kind voice. Mana pouts and claps her hands in front of her chest. Atem watches as Mana takes a few steps closer to the High Priestess with big watery eyes.

"Oh please just a little longer Isis I want to be prepared for the festival," Mana pleads with the older woman looking like she did when she begged Mahad to extend her magic lessons. Atem tilts his head in mild confusion at the mention of a festival. He watches Isis just smile and shake her head as she turns around so her back faced Mana and in extension Atem.

"You don't need anymore practice for today Mana after all your evening is to spent another way," Isis states voice still gentle and ringing like a bell through the air as she raises a hand to her neck. Mana appears confused and as she opens her mouth to speak up Isis starts to walk away and into the palace.

"Aww now what am I going to do," Mana groans out as she falls to her knees and starts to idly play withthe sand between her fingers.

"You were dancing beautifully," Atem states as he stands up and emerges from the papyrus plant before he approaches Mana. "So I don't see the need for you to practice," He adds thoughtfully as he stares into Mana's now shocked eyes.

"A-a-Atem what are you doing here?" Mana sputters out in surprise as she hops to her feet and looks at the prince as her cheeks stain pink. Atem smiles fondly at the sorcerer in training and her antics.

"I wanted to relax after my studies in the garden," Atem answers Mana's question as he sits down on the ground and motions for his friend to join him. Mana hesitates for a moment before she sits down next to her prince with a small smile and blush across her cheeks.

"You never were good at being on your own for long my prince," Mana states in a fond yet teasing tone as she lightly bumps her shoulder against Atem's. Atem just chuckles as he ruffles Mana's hair in an affectionate manner. Mana laughs happily as she ducks her head to escape Atem's hand as she seats at him with her own hands. Mana escapes from Atem's hands only to tackle the prince and immediately begins to tickle his sides with a gleeful smile. Laughter fills the air as the tickle war begins both young teens trying to get the upper hand.

"Enough, enough," Atem gasps out between peels of laughter as he struggles to get away from Mana's dexterous hands. Mana simply laughs in triumph as she sits back on her prince's thighs and looks down at him with a knowing smile.

"Ha I win again my prince," Mana crows out her victory unable to erase the smile upon her face. Atem merely takes the opportunity to catch his breath although he too is unable to wipe the goofy smile on his lips from his face. Once the two had caught their breaths Atem notices the position they were in, which was one they had ended up in so many times before. But for some reason it was different this time and a red blush rises up on Atem's cheeks.

"Um Mana could you het off please," Atem asks a tad awkwardly as he looks away from Mana and therefore misses the bright blush that spreads across her cheeks. Without a word Mana scrambles off her prince's lap and settles next to him once more but this time with her eyes averted. A rare uncomfortable silence falls over the two as neither looks at the other. Atem coughs in his hand to break the silence and gain Mana's attention.

"So what's this I heard about a festival?" He asks Mana as he glances over at the sorcerer in training before fixing his gaze on the sky. Mana looks over at her prince with a shocked expression as she had not expected that question.

"Oh its the Flame Festival my Prince," Mana states sweat dropping slightly as she scratches at her cheek sheepishly. Atem's eyes widen slightly in surprise as he redirects his gaze to his dear friend.

"Wow its that time of year already," Atem breathes out in mild surprise he had been getting so caught up with his studies lately, he had not been paying attention to the time of year it was. He is pulled out of his thoughts abruptly by giggling to his left, where he sees Mana clutching her stomach and failing to suppress her giggles.

"My Prince you've become nearly as bad as Set when it comes to studies," Mana states between her giggles as she lightly slaps her prince's upper arm. Atem balks at the statement as he thinks over his recent activities.

"Oh Ra your right?" Atem whispers out looking like he'd seen an unpleasant ghost which just causes Mana to laugh. Atem looks at Mana without uttering a sound for a few seconds before he too bursting into laughter as well. The laughter slowly dies down woth the two leaning against each other and staring up at the multicolored sky.

"Hey Mana?" Atem speaks up softly not moving his gaze from the sky as he slowly moves his hand closer to Mana's.

"Yeah," Mana replies voice just as soft as if she was scared of breaking the moment that had formed between them.

"Would you go to the festival with me?" Atem asks as he places his hand over Mana's and moves his gaze from the sky to look at Mana. The sorcerer in training lifts her head from where it had been resting on Atem's shoulder and looks into his eyes.

"Yes," Mana whispers as she leans up slightly and Atem meets her the rest of the way in a chaste kiss.

Look look we are two one shots in and already we have romance :) lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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