Heroes V/S Villians

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The Next Day:

Izuku: Hey Ocha you ready.

Ochako: Yes Izu.

Izuku: You look beautiful today.

Ochako: *blushing* Thanks. But please say that quietly.

Izuku: *smiles* Well it's the truth and I don't care what anyone says

Ochako: *smiles* You always look handsome as well. 

Izuku: We decided to make our hero costumes together. After the dream we had.


Izuku: Well let's go to sleep have a Sunday tomorrow.

Izuku feels something similar and opens his eyes.

Ochako: Izu.

Ochako runs to him and hugs him.

Ochako: Where are we?

Izuku: This is the place where I talked to my grandma.

Nana: Hey Izuku long time no see.

Izuku: Hey Grandma. So, what's the occasion/

Ochako: This is your grandma!

Nana: Yes Ochako. I am Nana Shimura. Though I know you already are aware of me. I ave been watching Izuku grow since he stood up for you. I am glad that Inko will have you as her daughter-in-law.

Ochako *blushing*: Thank you.

Nana: Well now about why you are here. I wanted to talk to you and give you this.

Nana gives Ochako a small grey ball which goes into Ochako's chest.

Nana: Now you will be able to fly. An upgrade to your quirk.

Ochako: Thank You.

Izuku: Grandma can I use your cape in my hero costume.

Nana: Wow! Of course, you can Izuku. You will look so cool in it.

Ochako: Yeah we need to work on our hero suit.

Izuku: Yeah let's work on that when we get home tomorrow.

Nana: Well Izuku I like how you have matured. Just like I would have wanted you to be a great man.

Izuku: Thanks, grandma.

Nana: Also you should try and heal All Might with your telekinetic healing.

Izuku: Yeah I will, I Improved it a lot. But it works really slowly on me. Enough to make my cell repair from any damage in a few hours or time as per the injury and I get really tired after that.

Nana: Don't worry it will grow with you. I can tell by the end of this year your energy will grow exponentially that you will be able to heal yourself with no problems.

Ochako: Izu, I might need you helo to teach me how to fly properly.

Izuku: Don't worry Ocha, I will.

Nana: Have you thought about your hero name yet?

Izuku: No.

Ochako: I have. Uravity.

Izuku *hugs her*: That's a cute name just like you. 

Ochako *hugs back*: Thanks Izu.

Nana: Come on you are making me jealous. I haven't been hugged by my husband in nearly 40 years.

Izuku *hugs Nana*: Sorry grandma.

Nana *hugs him back and pulls away and starts ruffling his hair*: You know I have a hero name for you, my hero name "Paragon" is now yours to inherit.

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