Chapter Six: Proving Worthy

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6 years later: Dhrupad, age 20

Today was the day. Today was the day Panchal had been waiting for, for 6 years. The day their beloved prince would return from his studies abroad and take his place as Yuvraj, (crowned prince) and soon to be King. They decorated their houses, as if their own sons were coming home. They got their flowers ready to shower upon their king and they eagerly sat at the front gardens of Panchal, so that they could start showering him with flowers as soon as Dhrupad's chariot drove through the gate. 

King Prihas and his Queen stood in the throne room. The Queen had not stopped smiling today and it was fo good reason. Only a mother could experience the feeling of separation from her child in such severity as the Queen had. She was giving dozens of orders today. Decorating the palace, creating a mega feast, and designing the new headcounters of the Crowned Prince was not easy. You would ask, well what is King Prihas doing in this moment. He should be crying tears of joy as well and helping the dear Queen of Panchal in her preparations. After all a father has emotion just as strong as a mothers. 

Well King Prihas saw Dhrupad as not only his son, but the fate of Panchal. The heir, the protector, the everything. He knew that he had to test Dhrupad to make sure that he was worthy of the throne before crowning him Yuvraj. He then, based on Dhrupad's qualities had to find a worthy Queen, who would be fit to rule beside him and would turn his weaknesses into strengths for Panchal. If he had it his way, he would also test the future Queen but he knew that outside of Panchal and even in, women were still not given that much importance to be tested. Well except the usual needle test before marriage. In this test, the women was expected to take a piece of thread and push it throw the very small hoop of a needle. A useless test if you asked King Prihas. What has a women's accuracy to do with a needle! Yes this test was used to make sure the women had great accuracy and wasn't blind.  In some cases, if the women did not succeed, the boy wouldn't marry her. In King Prihas's eyes, it was a way of degrading women and "showing them their place". As most men liked to call it. He had banned these sort of useless tests in Panchal a long time ago. 

But nether less, King Prihas had to find a daughter-in law that would install great character in his grandchildren and make sure that his son was the same. He had to make sure that they made their children strong enough to fulfil his prophecy of Bhishma's death. If his prophecy did not come true, no one would ever respect him. 

Just then the royal horns blew, snapping King Prihas out of his plans. This signalled that Dhrupad was making his way into the Kingdom. The Queen hurried towards the steps of the Palace alone, according to her husband's plan. 


As Dhrupad entered his home lands. He felt a surge of power enter him once again. He had just passed his final test over 3 hours ago. Given to him by his teacher, Sage Bharadwaj for his repentance as guru dakshina. A sort of ritual where upon finishing studies, you had to give your teacher anything he/she desired. Sage Bharadwaj being the great man he is, asked for nothing but a promise that he would spend his knowledge earned at the hermitage for the good in the world and never the bad. Dhrupad promised as he then walked to bid his best friend Drona goodbye. 

That was the only moment he wished he never had to endure. He remembered as he and Drona cried as they hugged each other one last time. They promised to never forget each other and Dhrupad certainly couldn't forget his last wave he gave on the chariot as the hermitage became smaller and smaller until it was no longer visible. 

Now Dhrupad was entering the palace grounds. The horn blew in his ears and guards signalled to his mother and father that he had arrived. Before he could comprehend anything, flower petals showered on him by none other then his beloved people. He was so happy to see all of their faces and smiles return as he had taken them when he left for his studies.

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