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"Is it true, Bulma", Krillin asked 

"True that what?", Bulma asked turning her attention to her little friend.

"That you end up with him", Krillin asked pointing to the past version of her husband

"I've been with Veggie for years", Bulma stated.

"I don't believe you", Krillin said in denial.

"You dont believe me KRILLIN", She smirked ,"Then I'll have to prove it to you"

Bulma screamed as loud as she could making everyone with sensitive hearing cringed at the sound.

"What the hell is wrong with you woman", M.Vegeta yelled.

" Vegeta! If you don't come down here right now, I'll scream again.", Bulma threatened.

M.Vegeta sighed and flew down.

This better be good Bulma," Mirai Vegeta spoke.

All of a sudden Mirai Vegeta felt a pair of lips collide with his. He closed his eyes when he felt his wife tongue lick his lips, asking for entrance which he granted. They wrapped their arms around one another and deepened the kiss. Everyone's eyes buldged when they saw the couples embrace.

"Mom, Dad can you please knock it off?" Mirai and Trunks couldn't even look at his parents.

"Eww," Goten covered his eyes, "You're worse than Big brother!"

"Big brother?" Piccolo knew Goten was refering to Gohan.

"When Gohan gets all kissy kissy with Videl," Goten replied.

"Shut up Goten.", M.Gohan blushed while Mirai snickered and M.Gohan glared at him

Prince Vegeta stood there frozen staring at his future self. He has a mate and brats. What the hell happened! This planet should have been destroyed later on today. He shouldn't be friendly rivals with that clown Kakarott. Was his future self still working for that discusting lizard Frieza? Prince Vegeta shuddered. He hated Frieza more than anything else, but what happened to all his plans?

"Before you ask. We destroyed the lizard a long time ago.", Mirai said smirking at his dad.

Vegeta was shocked then happy then over joyed. He jumped for joy in his head. His plans came to pass.

"Well there goes our plan to mess with our Dads," Trunks whispered to his best friend.

Goten nodded his head in agreement, they'll get their dads later.

"Mom Dad! Could you please knock it off!" Trunks had somewhat yelled.

Bulma and Mirai Vegeta seperated. Bulma giggled. Her husband was an excellent kisser. They completly left everyone speechless. She looked over to her husband's embarassed face. He sure has changed ever since Majin Buu was beaten. Normally she would never get away with that.

"Is that enough proof Krillin?" Bulma asked with a smirk that could rival her husband's.

"I don't know what you see in him Bulma. You are lucky Yamcha wasn't here to see that," Krillin responded.

Bulma frowned. She did not like people brining up her relationship with Yamcha.

"So Goku, how do you expect us to get home?" Bulma asked.

"Well we could always use the dragonballs," Goku thought out loud.

"Goku are you insane! We can't use the dragonballs!" Bulma screeched.

"Why not?" Goku scratched the back of his head.

Mirai Vegeta just rubbed his temples at the other Saiyan's stupidity.

M.Gohan, Trunks, Mirai and Goten face palmed and fell over.

In this time, we just used the dragonballs to wish you back to life," Mirai explained.

"Oh you're right. Well we can use the Namekian dragonballs," Goku suggested.

"We can't do that Baka," Mirai Vegeta replied.

"We need the wishes on the Namek balls for the near future," M.Gohan added.

"You're right. I'm out of ideas," Goku stated.

Everyone fell over anime style.

"What do you think we shoud do Bulma?" Goku asked.

"I don't know yet," Bulma answered

A/N: So I finally updated as I promised for stopping for a bit.


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