Chapter 3 : visit of the "academy"

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(Art above isn't mine.)

normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

After the demons took the heads of the deads off and planted them on pics while also taking the wings, Y/N stood at his work with a smile.

Y/N : Just like everyday's casual massacre back in Hell.

He turned around to see Athena with a scared look on her face.

Y/N : Athena ? Is everything okay ?

Athena : They... helped Atlas during my...

Y/N put his hand on her shoulder.

Y/N : You don't need to worry about this anymore. You're at your new home.

Athena gaved Y/N a warm smile.

Y/N : How about you visit the academy ?

Athena : ... I wouldn't mind to.

However, an Imp runned to Y/N before bowing down to him.

Imp : My lord !

Y/N : Speak up Imp.

Athena : Not a good way to call your soldiers.

Imp : ... We're actually called Imps.

Athena : oh...

Y/N : Yeah, sometime us demons lack originality.

Imp : We've got reports of a future attack from the Kingdom of Mistral.

Y/N : Oh really ? Then prepare a counter force and attack the kingdom once their forces left.

Imp : Yes sir !

He then ran to gather the forces.

Y/N : Wanna visit my newly founded Beacon fortress ?

Athena : eh, sure.

Y/N and Athena then entered the academy.

Once inside, Athena saw that the inside was very castle-themed yet very advanced technologically.

Athena : Wow....

Y/N : Amazing right ?

Athena : Indeed. J-Just what are yo-

Y/N : A destoroyah.

Athena : A what ?

Y/N : A Titan race born in hell, unleashed by accident.

After a long walk, they arrived at a room with a giant flame in the middle.

Y/N : Let me show you.

Then the flame began to grow as it then showed the outerwordly landscaped of Hell.

Y/N : Hell. A name everyone associate with pain, suffering, chaos and misery... and they are right.

It then showed Hell demons invading other worlds.

Y/N : We were born and lived for one thing : to conquer and destroy, that was always the way of life for demons like us. There are more pacifist demons but eh, they're just ignored by everyone else.

Destroyer (bullied and evil destoroyah reader x crossover harem)Where stories live. Discover now