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Bakugou POV
Its the first day of UA. I throw my uniform on and walk out of the door. As I am walking I see the big oak tree that me and sho used to walk by together. I wanna cry but I tell myself 'No Katsuki your gonna be a hero, heros dont cry'
I walk into the class and I see just a bunch of random extras.
Todoroki POV
"SHIT IM LATE" I whisper scream to myself as I speed walk down the hall praying my teacher isnt there yet. I open the door only to see students talking. I walk as fast as I can to my seat. 'I made ittttt' I think as my heart rate slows down. Until its starts beating faster when I see that familiar ash blond hair. 'Oh my god hes in my class' then class started.
Bakugou POV
Was that todo- no it cant be. I wanna turn my head to see but Ill look like a creep. Then the teacher says we are doing a test. We all get up and walk to the locker rooms until I meet eyes with thoes beatiful blue and grey eyes he looks at me with such a broken look until he turns his head fast an walks away. We are all standing in the feild I glance at Todoroki hes gotten so pretty. Thoes eyes. That fluffy hair and his beautiful bod- what no nevermind.
Todoroki POV
Bakugou went up to throw the ball. Hes gotten really hot and fit. Not as scrawny as he was in middle school. And his quirk it really is amazing. I just wish we can talk like we did but when we were kids but I still remember the day when he did want to be friends with me. I guess I was zoned out for too long Aizawa was calling my name to throw the ball.
Bakugou POV
As I saw todoroki walking up I just couldnt belive how hot hes gotten. When he threw the ball he used his ice and omg it was just beautiful a whole masterpiece. But theres one thing about him those rosy cheeks are gone he just looks so empty,sad and broken. What happend. It was all my fault I ruined it.
Reader POV
It was the end of the day the two boys walked home but for todoroki as soon as he hit the pillow he started crying softly he missed his bestfriend,his forever friend but now hes gone. For bakugou he got home and feel into a deep sleep for ex friend but his new crush Shoto Todoroki.

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