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A/N – Setting is earlier 2000's so technology will match up to that era, my childhood basically so no fancy iphone X to be found here.


(Y/n)'s family had been preparing for their yearly Christmas vacation that all of her family took, even her workaholic Father took time off each year so they could all be together. Sakazuki only did this once a year as since as he was Chief of Police his schedule was very busy; criminals didn't take vacations so he rarely did. Even if he was sick, he still managed to go into the office for a few hours before his follow officers would send him home.

She admired her Father for his dedication to his job of keeping people safe but also wished that he was around more often. Her mother had died in a car accident when she was only a baby, the other driver had been drinking and thought he was still sober enough to drive home. He wasn't and it cost the girl her Mother, she didn't even get the chance to know her. Ever since then he's been working as much as he could, distancing himself from his children when they needed him the most. It took him years to realize that so when he did, that was when the idea of the yearly trip was thought of, a time to be with family and nothing else.

Since she got to have all her family in one place, (Y/n) was the one person in the house that would count down the days each year before their vacation was due. This year they were going to Paris, it wasn't (Y/n)'s first choice but as long as they were together it didn't matter much to the girl. She did want to see the Eiffel Tower though so maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Almost all of her family members were at her house, they planned to take the trip together and meet up with the family who were living there.

Currently fifteen people were packed into the five-bedroom house but she had been moved to the attic all by herself. (Y/n) would have had to share it with her younger cousins but after a fight broke out between them over something pity it was decided for the best the girl should be on her own. "(Y/n) dinnertime!"

Putting down the marker that she had been using to color with (Y/n) began her way down to the dining room. Sliding down the railing like a child would, enough though she was 16, no one ever questioned her though. She was the baby of her family of four after all so she got away with a lot, both her brothers were almost double her age as she was an unexpected child, her mother was in her early 40's and never thought she'd have another child at her age but it happened and she was thrilled it was a girl.


Making her way into the room seven of the fifteen people had already sat down in their assigned seat. "Hey little sister!" Her older brother greeted her as she sat down, then he handed her a plate with a piece of pizza on it. "Thanks" Biting into the slice she hummed satisfied before taking another bite listening to the conversation the rest of the family was having. They were mostly involved in law enforcement so they tended to bring home interesting stories of people they arrested that day or news of anything we needed to be aware of.

"I was stuck with a rookie today; guy won't last a week" Enjoying herself (Y/n) continued eating until she was full. Though seeing her brothers getting into an argument wasn't a good sign, apparently Seth had insulted Steven's arrest that day because he didn't properly pat down a man after booking him into the jail. Guy had a Glock in his prison wallet that would have been very bad if Seth hadn't noticed the man acting strangely and shifting in lockup.

Both men got up to fight before Seth punched Steven across the face causing him to back into the table hard enough to cause the drinks to spill over. "Shit the passports and tickets" One of the older cousins quickly grabs a bunch of napkins trying to save the items, they threw away the spoiled napkins before taking the tickets somewhere dry, unaware they had thrown one away.

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