Ch 15

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"I have some questions for you Bellamy, that is if Bellamy is even your real name!" (Y/n) wasn't sure who this guy was but there was a possibility that he could work for Doflamingo so she was going to question him. "Wha-? Of course, Bellamy is my real name!"

(Y/n) walked up to the confused blonde man and grabbed his hand before she started leading him back to the dining room. "Take a seat" Bellamy did as (Y/n) asked and as soon as he was seated the girl started her questioning. It took him by surprise as he didn't expect the girl to do this but as long as he didn't sell out the boss, he'd answer her questions.

"Who do you work for?"

"Well if your Father hires me then I'll work for him" Bellamy knew how to keep his composer and he doubted a teenaged girl would know if he told a lie or not. "So, you don't work for a tall blonde who wants me dead?" That didn't make sense, Doflamingo had told him that (Y/n) was not to be harmed. If Doflamingo was planning to end her life then why was he protecting her. "Right, the man your Father mentioned. Why does he wish to end your life (Y/n)?"

"Because he's a monster with no heart" In any other situation Bellamy would have killed anyone that insulted his boss but he was ordered to not harm her though her comment left him thinking that the two people clearly wasn't on the same page as each other. One was terrified her life was going to be taken at any moment and the other didn't have any plans to take it.

"How can you be so sure he still wants to take your life, if he did wouldn't he have done it by now?" (Y/n) thought back to Corazon and decided to tell Bellamy about him. "He's not the type to give up, he didn't need to spend months hunting down his brother just to kill him but he did"

"Brother?" Bellamy wasn't aware that Doflamingo had a brother sure he only joined him only a few years ago but he thought something like would have been brought up. "Donquixote Rosinante, they said it was self-defence"

"If they said it was self-defence (Y/n) then that means that he didn't have any other choice"

"That's what the news sources said but it was murder. Law told me from his own mouth, he was there that day" Now that was a name, Bellamy had heard Doflamingo use a couple of times, he needed to let Doflamingo know about this later but for now (Y/n) was his top priority. "Why don't you finish your dessert (Y/n) then we'll watch a movie?"

"Okay" Seeing she looked at little unsure Bellamy spoke up to calm her down a little bit. "No one is going to enter this house who doesn't belong here. I promise" That reassured (Y/n) enough to start eating her dessert again while Bellamy started on the dishes. "My Father's looking for a bodyguard Bellamy, not a maid, you don't need to do that"

"I don't mind and it will be less work for your Father to worry about" (Y/n) left Bellamy alone as she continued eating, he was still scrubbing a pot when she placed her dish by the sink for him to wash next. "Why don't you go pick a movie I'll be a couple more minutes. Just scream if you need anything"

"Sure!" Walking into the living room (Y/n) quickly selected a movie before she sat on the couch to enjoy it. "I love this movie!" Bellamy joined her on the couch and watched the movie with her until (Y/n) drifted off to sleep. When Bellamy finally noticed the girl hadn't spoken in a while (Y/n) was already in a deep sleep so he turned off the tv and covered her up with a blanket.

He knew this was the perfect time to make a call to his boss. Taking out his phone he walked into the kitchen to make his call encase (Y/n) woke up and heard him talking to Doflamingo. The phone only rang a few times but the man on the other line sounded existed to hear from him. "How'd dinner go Bell-boy?"

Bellamy started explaining how the night was going and mentioned how (Y/n) was convinced that he was planning to kill her. "Why would she think that? I haven't tried anything the last few days"

"... She told me something concerning Doflamingo"

"What did my little birdie tell you?" The way Bellamy said his sentence caused Doflamingo to become suspicious, (Y/n) shouldn't know anything about him. "She said you murdered your own brother" There was a long pause before Doflamingo spoke again. "How could she possibly know that information?"

"Law told her the whole story"

"That bastard! Keep a close eye on (Y/n) I need to handle this. Goodbye"

"B-" Bellamy didn't have time to respond before Doflamingo hung up on him. For the time being he went back to watch (Y/n), he was tired but he couldn't sleep on the job. "Hopefully her Father returns home soon"


"Trebol get in here now!" Doflamingo stood in the hallway outside of his bedroom, where just moments before he was happily watching a movie and munching on his snacks but Bellamy's phone call ruined that. "Yes, Doffy you called?"

"Why didn't anyone tell me that bastard Law lived in the same town as my little birdie!?"

"We haven't been able to locate Law, how do you know he's there Doffy?" Trebol has trying to calm down Doflamingo but wasn't successful. "How!? Bellamy just called to let me know that bastard has painted me as a cold-hearted murderer to (Y/n)!"

"Calm down Young Master, how did he do that!?"

"He told her that I spent months hunting them down before I finally found them and murdered Corazon right in front of him!" The more Trebol tried to calm Doflamingo down the more pissed off the man became. "Leave, I need to be alone!"

Doflamingo went back into his bedroom to think how he could fix this but he knew that now an apologize letter wouldn't convince the girl that he didn't have any intentions on hurting her. "Fuck!" He finished the bottle of wine he had on his nightstand before he threw it against the wall causing shards of glass to spray across the ground.

The man laid down on his bed as he started to think of a plan to fix this mess, Law was a smart man so he couldn't just kill him. Doflamingo continued to think but he was at a loss, convincing the girl that she was safe from him was now near impossible. His eyes shifted to the mess he caused, it needed to be cleaned up before he ended up with glass in his foot.

"Where's the broom?"


It was the early hours of the morning when Sakazuki arrived back home and when he entered the house, he expected Bellamy to be asleep but he wasn't. "Bellamy? You didn't need to stay up"

"That's okay I said I'd watch her. I should get going though it's a long drive back" Bellamy was heading to the door when Sakazuki stopped him. "We have a guest room you can use you've been up all night, please I insist"

"Your right, thank you" Bellamy didn't think he would end up staying this late and was glad he was offered a room. Usually his clients didn't offer him anything except for the fee he charged, they weren't the nicest of people to be honest.

"I'll show you the way just let me grab (Y/n)" With (Y/n) in his arms the pair started up the stairs, Sakazuki was sure at this point that he wanted to hire Bellamy as (Y/n)'s bodyguard. "Here this is the guest room, get some rest"

"Thank you again" Sakazuki placed (Y/n) in her room before he went to his own, the boys were already deep asleep in their own beds.


"Hm" (Y/n) was the last person up to wake up the night morning and when she did, she slowly rolled off the bed with a thump but quickly stood back up before she left the room. She followed the laughing she heard until she reached the dining room where her family and Bellamy were sitting. "Morning (Y/n)"

"Morning!" Seeing Bellamy was still there confused her slightly so she spoke up. "Why's Bellamy still here?"

"We got home late so he stayed in the guest room but you'll be seeing him a lot more since I'm hiring him" (Y/n) learned that the man would actually be starting next week since Seth and Steven would be putting more hours into work so they needed a plan for the girl by then. Though something surprised her, Bellamy would be living with them in their guest room but he would still go back to his place on his off days and for holidays.

"I look forward to working with you (Y/n)! Don't worry your safety is guaranteed!"


End Chapter 15

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