How it all Began

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(A/N) When the text is in bold like this those are your thoughts

Since you were about five years old you've asked your aunt where your parents were, each time you asked you got the same answer, ...but more aggressive each time and you didn't know the reason. You were just being a curious little 5 year old. At the age if eight she began to leave the house and not come back 'til around midnight. One night she came home, and you could smell alcohol all over her. She went into her room and a few moments later she came out and started beating you till you bled. Screaming and crying, trying to get her to stop, but nothing worked.

-3 Years Later- (Your POV)

I finally decided to run away a few months ago..and I've been living in a little shelter I've made out of old tin some people threw out. There's this nice man that owns a bakery and he's been keeping me fed, he also lets me take a bath and borrow some clothes every once in a while. Apparently the clothes belonged to his son, I do wonder where his son is now from time to time, but I am very greatful for the help this nice man is providing me.

-Time Skip 2 Weeks-

It's been two weeks and I haven't seen the nice man. Did I do something wrong? He was the nicest person that I've ever met... do I really screw everything up?...Oh well I guess its okay, I can do this on my own! Right..? Yeah, definitely!

(3rd Person POV)

You see someone with a delicious looking sandwich sit down at a nearby cafe. You weren't really that type of person but you decided you were going to try to steal it when he wasn't looking, besides you saw him steal it earlier so its not that bad...



I GOT IT!! You started running as fast as your legs could go "HEY! THAT LITTLE BRAT TOOK MY SANDWICH" he starts running after you. You turn into an ally and come to a dead end, he's got you cornered. I can't see a way out! What do I do!? Out of fear you clench the sandwich to your chest and your breathing speeds up "Oh, you're gonna get it now you little shit." he says in a low growly voice. "G-go away..." he steps closer to you "I-I said go away" the fear you felt was so similar to the fear you had when your aunt beat you..over, ...and over, ....and over for three years straight "GO AWAY!!!" suddenly he flies backwards and lands on the ground with a loud thud, being knocked unconscious in the process. You sit there and stare in shock, and you didn't want to get up because you were tired from running.

-Time Skip brought to you by PoTtAh - (Your POV)

Turns out I ended up falling asleep were I was and from my guess it was the next day, it was pretty clear because all of the shops were opening and it looked to be about 9 o'clock in the morning. When I woke up I could have sworn I heard an owl, but there wasn't anything or anyone around. I didn't think anything of it and got to my feet, surprisingly the man from yesterday was still on the ground unconscious and I still had the sandwich. I started eating it whilst walking down the sidewalk -it was a very good sandwich- after a few minutes of walking I see an owl sitting on a lamp post Weird.. then I see a piece of paper on the ground. I pick it up and before I was going to throw it into the trashbin I notice it had my name on it. My name? That's not doesn't have an address either. I lean back on the side of a building and begin to read the letter...

Dear, mister (Y/L/N)

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Students are required to report to the Chamber of Reception upon arrival, you have been assigned a personal guide to assist you in retrieving your requirements for your classes.

~My Little Bird~ (Draco Malfoy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now