She Was Lovely...

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Nobody's POV:

The game had ended but Akaashi and Y/n were still talking and sharing laughs, they felt something while they talked. It was special, they never felt it during the time they dated, this was new

"Akaashi your too sweet" Y/n said bursting out with laughter

As Y/n was trying to put her hand down she accidentally touched Akaashi's hand, they both looked at each other, Y/n was beyond embarrassed. Akaashi was blushing as was Y/n

Bokuto came out of nowhere and surprised the both of them by saying "aww love birds"

That made the two blush even more, Y/n was dying inside, as for Akaashi, well he just froze. He looked over to Bokuto and made some sort of eye signal to make him go away, Bokuto nodded and went back to Atsumu.

"Oh shoot, I have to do something for my class!"

"Oh! Go ahead!"

"I'm really sorry Akaashi, I'll see you next time"

Y/n got up and was about to leave but before she could leave Akaashi grabbed her hand (by accident again or something idk ;-;) he instantly let go

"Wait before you go umm do you maybe wanna go eat dinner? It's totally okay if not though!" Akaashi said while having so much embarrassment inside

"Haha, I'd love that Keiji.. You do have the same phone number right?"

"Uh yeah yeah"

"Perfect, I'll text you later"

Y/n began walking away, Akaashi didn't wanna make things look awkward so he just said

"I'll pick you up at 6!"


Y/n: Hey Keiji!

Akaashi: hey! Uhhh so about your address, what is it?

Y/n: oh right I forgot! It's (idk just pick any address)

Akaashi: Alright! I'll see you in a few

Y/n: alright see you then


Akaashi's POV:

I ran to my car to pick up Y/n, her place was about an hour away from me, and I was a bit late 😅 I tried to get there as fast as I can without breaking any laws of course. I was sweating, all I wore was a grey sweater with a long black coat, it was quite comfy but not so formal :/ but I guess that's alright. I was halfway there and I got a bit stuck in traffic, I looked up to the sky and by my luck it started raining. GREAT JUST GREAT! I don't even have a umbrella! I expected today to be a good day but I guess not, I intentionally hit my forehead against the steering wheel. I finally got through the traffic, it's was about 6:45 GREAT, I had no idea what to do. It was still raining but I just kept on going, I can't lose her again! Wait did I just say that?


I finally got to Y/n's house, it was quite interesting to the eye. I got out of the car and the rain stopped for just a bit, I was soaking wet, this is terrible. I knocked on the door and I saw Y/n.

She Was Lovely...

"Hey Akaashi, you look wet and the roads look really slippery, why don't you just come in and we can watch a movie!"

"That would be perfect"

I stepped inside her home, it was way more cooler inside, well because it was more dry.

"Here let me hang your coat"

"Oh no it's okay!!"

"Well you are my guest"

"No please Y/n allow me"

We both kept on deciding who would be the one to hang my coat, it went back and forth until she gave in and let me hang it. She told me to make myself feel at home, I didn't know what to do so I just sat on the couch.

"So you can stay there and decide what movie we can watch while I make some pop corn and some dinner"

"Please let me help Y/n"

"Sure :)"

As I chose a movie Y/n offered me a bowl full of popcorn, she had two bowls full, wow thats a lot! As the movie started playing me and Y/n were about 6ft apart, I decided that we should watch a horror movie, since I knew we both like watching them! And since that was the only genre there except for a classic romance movie. It didn't seem like a perfect movie for tonight so I had to choose this horror movie from last year, I haven't seen it so I won't be prepared for the jump scenes.

As the movie continued we both got kind of scared, there was a really terrifying jump scene that made me jump a little. We both looked at each other and started laughing, the movie got less and less scarier. After the movie we finished the rest of the popcorn and ate some dinner that the both of us made, Y/n cooked most of it since she insisted to.

After the meal we went back to the couch to talk about random things we've been thinking about, our conversation went to talking about movies to relationships, I personally dated two people after we broke up, as for y/n, she also dated two people. She talked about how one of them were very rude, and that one of them cheated on her with a random girl. I saw a small tear come down on her face, she looked hurt, and I mean REALLY hurt. I've never seen her like this, maybe because our relationship was long distance, but still! This was sad for the both of us, I reached for her face and wiped the tear off, she looked at me and smiled while trying to hold her tears in. I instantly hugged her and she let it all out, she said sorry over and over again but I just told her it was alright and I brushed her hair with my palm, after talking and crying she quietly fell asleep in my arms.

I let her lay down on my chest, we haven't done something like this since high school, I missed her and I didn't wanna show it, she probably moved on, why would she need me? I kept on questioning myself knowing that she didn't love me anymore. But she had a small smile on her face and once I looked at her face all those questions went away, I felt like the most luckiest man on earth, all my problems went away, she could look at me and I'd slowly melt. I needed her, she was my main source of happiness, maybe Bokuto was on to something, what if he already knew I needed her before I could even realize that. I kept on looking at her and whispered
I Love You, I slowly drifted to sleep.

Well Done Akaashi, Well Done...

A/n: I'm rlly sorry for not updating and shit, I was too busy writing my Draco Malfoy fanfic ;-; okay bye!! Hope you enjoyed this!

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