Chapter 6

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"Again." Enterprise commanded as Lightning straightened up, panting as she swung her katana at Enterprise who promptly dodged and shot a glowing golden arrow straight at Lightning. Lightning instinctively blocked it, leaping backwards slightly as she pulled out her bow and shot a flame orange arrow at Enterprise. Lightning deflected most of the blows from Enterprise and managed a successful bombing run before Enterprise ordered her to stop. 

"Good job, Lightning, you have improved tremendously. You are almost ready for the field. Now, target practice." Lightning nodded when she heard this. She had long recovered from her previous battle and she was also injected with a serum to accelerate her healing even more. 

This serum was only for warriors constantly on the battlefield such as Enterprise, Bismarck, Yamato and soon, her. She pulled out her bow from behind her back at lightning speed and pulled back the bowstring with ease. She had also become much, much stronger since she joined Azur Lane, being able to launch planes and use her bow effortlessly as well as leap from plane to plane if they were close enough. 

Taking a second to aim, she released her bowstring and the arrow shot forwards, striking the target in the middle. She was surrounded by targets now but she seemed unfazed as she spun around, shot, twisted and released her bowstring yet again. Soon enough, all the targets had been hit on the bullseye and she stood there, panting slightly. Enterprise gave her a nod of approval, signaling that she was dismissed and Lightning left, heading to the canteen and getting some food.

After eating, Lightning headed to dock, and out to sea to meet Essex for more training. This time, Bunker Hill was there with Essex too. 

"Today, you will be tested on simultaneous attack and defense. If you manage to  accomplish this, then you are ready to go out on the field." Essex announced, "Begin." Lightning immediately launched her CAP before whipping out her katana to block Essex's arrows. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Bunker Hill launching a bombing squadron. Lightning retaliated by launching more fighters as well as some bombers, twisting away from Essex's arrows. 

Using her bow, she quickly shot an arrow towards Bunker Hill when Essex stopped for a moment. Bunker Hill, upon seeing the arrow, dodged out of the way and Lightning brought her hand down, initiating the bombing run. Then, she grabbed her katana and blocked more arrows, leaping onto her plane and jumping over Essex to launch an arrow to knock her into the water. Flinging her katana towards Bunker Hill, she shot an arrow while Bunker Hill was distracted by the katana, knocking her down too. Finally, Lightning stood there, proud and tall. She had done it. She passed the test. She was a fully certified warrior now.

Later at night...

Lightning climbed up the cliff, quickly reaching the top. The stars twinkled brightly overhead, a certain shipgirl looking up at the stars. 

"Bismarck," Lightning greeted. 

"I heard from Essex that you are a warrior now, congratulations," Bismarck spoke, nodding at her. 

"Oh yes," Bismarck asked, "When is your launch date?" 

"Oh, erm... 22nd of August," Lightning replied. A full two years had passed since she had celebrated her birthday, or launch day, that was what it was called here, with the Autobots. It would be a week and a half before she became 18. Bismarck just hummed in response, thinking about what she should do to celebrate her friend's launch day. 

Glancing sideways at Lightning, she asked, "You still miss them?" 

"Yeah," Lightning replied, letting out a soft sigh. it felt like just yesterday she had left the 'bots. Pain flashed in her eyes as she recalled it. Bismarck just shifted a little closer to Lightning and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

They were like my family... Lightning thought, tears forming in her eyes as she averted her gaze and looked up at the stars. 

"They don't understand..." She whispered, referring to the shipgirls who talked behind her back. 

"It's alright," Bismarck murmured as the two of them sat there in a comfortable silence, watching the stars, at peace with the world. 

The next day...

Lightning hurried over to the dock. Sirens had been spotted near Azur Lane again. It seemed like this time, conflict was unavoidable. Enterprise had ordered her to go and fight them, along with Bismarck, Pennsylvania, Bunker Hill, a few destroyers, cruisers and herself. Quickly, Lightning activated her wisdom cube, watching as her rigging formed around her. Bismarck, who was already there, gave Lightning a nod of acknowledgement. 

Once all the shipgirls were present, they glided out to sea to meet the Sirens. The minute the Sirens caught sight of them, they attacked. Bismarck and Pennsylvania fired multiple salvos as the destroyers launched torpedoes. Aiming her bow, Lightning fired a few fighters and bombers before leaping onto one of her planes, Enterprise next to her. Bunker Hill would provide air support while they attacked the Sirens by direct combat. Swinging her katana, Lightning sliced it left and right, being more careful to ensure that she would not be injured too severely. Lightning ducked the first few shots by the Sirens, deflecting a few others. 

Pulling her bowstring, she launched an arrow at a Siren, mortally wounding it. There was a cry of anguish from the Siren next to her but Lightning remembered what Enterprise told her, There is no time for hesitation in battle. Turning around, Lightning pressed on with her attack, starting a few bombing runs as she glided left and right, avoiding shots that were fired.

A Siren had brought her sword down, but Lightning raised her katana, blocking the hit. Grunting under the pressure, she mustered all her strength and whipped the katana upwards, knocking the Siren's sword out of her hands. Raising her bow, she released a arrow, killing the Siren instantly. She showed no emotion now, her cold, emotionless mask in place as she twisted and ducked left and right, shooting arrows, blocking hits. 

The rhythm of battle pounding within her. Time seemed to slow as she placed her hits accurately, drawing blood, showing little mercy as she fought furiously. Graceful yet lethal in battle, Enterprise realised that Lightning was extremely talented. With the shipgirls working together, they diverted the attack, sending the rest of the Sirens fleeing for their lives. Lightning bent over, panting, exhaustion taking over as the adrenaline wore off. 

"Good job!" the shipgirls complimented her as she just smiled slightly. Those who had previously underestimated her realised their mistake, that she really was a fearless, ruthless warrior. The dangerous glint in her eyes as she fought the attacking Sirens proved it. Lightning smiled. She had did it. She had proven her worth. Optimus, if you can see me now, I hope you are proud... Lightning thought as she glided back to base, victorious.

Hooray! Another chapter! I'm on a roll, hopefully I won't be stopping sometime soon! Wait until the next chapter! Something interesting is going to happen!

~Lightningstar out

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