A Riverwing's guide to: Riverwings

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Name: Riverwings

Queen: Queen Droplet

Scale Color: Blues, purples, and greens.

Eye Color: Orange, yellow, and blue.

Horns/Spikes/Claws: Their horns are short and curved like a rams horns. They have a frill like a Sandwing instead of spikes down to their tail. Their horns, spikes, claws, and teeth are all white. They have a small spike on the nose of their mussel.

Body Shape: They are slim, small, fast underwater, and stealthy.

Other Appearance Details: They have a dolphin like tail. Their frill and some markings on their body glow when it's dark.

Abilities: They can camouflage in the water and they can swim really fast.

Special Abilities: They breath a hot jet of water that burns. Their toes are webbed to help them swim fast. They have gills to help them breath underwater.

Strengths: They can blend in well with the habitat that they live in.

Weaknesses: They can't blend in that well in the desserts and mountains. They are slow on land and their short legs don't help with that. They also have smaller wings, so they're not fast flyers.

Kingdom Name: The Coral Kingdom.

Kingdom Location: In a large coral reef under the river/ocean of the main island.

Palaces/Buildings: The Queen's palace is a large coral structure above ground, but under it is a giant building made from sandstone, covered with pearls and gold. The other Riverwings live in small dens made from sandstone and coral. 

Other Kingdom Details: There are a lot of exotic fish, turtles, and sharks that share the reef with the Riverwings.

Relationship With Other Tribes: "Go away... oh uh please?"

Attitude Towards Dragons With Special Abilities: "Hi, um could you please leave us alone?"

Common Personality Traits: Likeable, stubborn, funny, and athletic.

Egg Appearance: The eggs are a light sandy color to match the sandy floor of the ocean.

Hatcheries: The hatcheries are small craters in the sand that are outside each den. The eggs are placed in the craters and left alone until they hatch. The royal hatchery is under the Queen's palace in a secret chamber that is always warm and bubbling.

Dragonets: When they hatch, the dragonets are united with their families and sent off to learn the basics about being a Riverwing. They have stubby horns and small tails until they get older.

Battle Style: They stay underwater, but if necessary, they come halfway out of the water and shoot their steaming water at the other dragons.

Culture: They protect their reef and help out allies.

Possible Jobs: Caretaker, Egg Tender, Basics Teacher, Guard, Queens assistant, Swimming Teacher, and Aiming Teacher.

History: The Riverwings were completely out of the war and they avoided contact with any other dragon. Queen Beaver made plans to build giant sand walls around their kingdom, but before this could happen, she was killed and her daughter, Sea Urchin, who was now the Queen. Queen Sea Urchin was quite evil and she tried to give all of the Riverwings away to the Flamewings, but her niece killed her for the throne. Queen Rain was the best Queen the Riverwings had, she built a small wall around their Kingdom, signed peace papers with the Flamewings, and helped out poor Riverwings.

Other: They are very kind to poor animals and they will do anything to help them. They like to eat crab, algae, shrimp, and tuna.

Naming: Water related names, (Rain, River, or Ocean), Animals that live in the water, (Otter, Turtle, or Squid), and sometimes they are named after precious gems, (Pearl, Opal, or Topaz).

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