Chap 14

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skips to morning

Abhishek calls everyone and tells them to meet at the café...

They all reach the café.....they all have coffee and then the girls decide to go to the spa...

After girls leave:


Faisu: so guys how was the night yesterday....

others: (embarassed)

Faisu: I...I..I mean the party

Others: yea good

Abhi: (notices avu's nail marks on sid's bach head) hey bro! (pointing towards it)

Jai: looks like someone was hard last night

Faisu: right...

Sid: oh shit!....I forgot about it

Abhi: don't worry bro...apply some cream and next time control yourself

Sid: and what is this bhaiiya? ( points to a faded lipstick mark on abhi's cheek) 

Abhi: what?

Faisu: Your love mark is still there on your cheeks....

Abhi: really?

At the spa....they all are having there manicure and pedicure

(all of them busy thinking about last night and smiling)

Avu: Hey di....why did u come to my room last night?

Vaish: oh yea...I thought I should tell you all how me and abhi expressed our love last night but u were already busy(teasingly)

Avu: tell na di...What did u both do

Jan and reem: yeah di..tell na

Vaish: listen (she narrates the entire story)

Others: cute

Vaish: by the way Avu I think Sid should control himself

Avu: why?

Jan: cauz it seems you both were hard last night.....

Reem: look at your lips...(hands Avu a small carry around mirror from her purse)

Avu: Oh god....

Jan: Its hard to control when you get into a mood

Reem: why.... did you get a mark too?(teasingly)

Vaish and avu: yea show us

Jan: (sides her hair and shows her neck hickey)

Vaish: so painful..but it is small so it will heal before we return

Jan: yea

Avu: Now its reem's turn to narrate her night...

Reem: (nervous) was more private so I can't tell mine..

Avu: (whispers in reem's ears) did you have  that?

Reem: (blushes) yea

Avu: OMG... how romantic...

After their spa treatment...they leave and everyone meets at the lobby

Faisu: OK guys today we will go to the Dubai mall

Others: Ok

They all go together and enjoy a lot

The next day they are ready to return to mumbai...

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