02 | in your car, the radio up

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It's been a week since the disastrous to say the least, TikTok meeting. The weather in Los Angeles lately has been nicer than normal, providing a much needed change of scenery for Noen. He's been taking brisk walks around his neighborhood. His days now consist of strolling around the breezy suburbs of LA while he's on hold with a few different attorney companies.

Today, his senses are filled with the sounds of bike-wheels whirring over freshly trimmed grass, and the smell of tap water from the sprinklers. Something that Noen has come to terms with is the fact that this neighborhood is filled with stereotypical picturesque families, both parents present, two or three kids, food is always in the fridge, et cetera.

Two years ago, Noen would've killed himself if he had ended up living in a place like this, cookie-cutter houses and golden retrievers. Then again, Noen-from-two-years-ago got his little influencer wannabe mansion repossessed so what did that guy really know?

Currently though, he enjoys the domestic peace and quiet this has brought him. It's an odd sense of bliss living somewhere that's not surrounded by Hollywood Fix vans and camera flashes that he's almost not sure if he deserves it. Despite it, he can't imagine living anywhere else.

Sometimes on his walks, a stray cat or two will follow him for a couple of blocks. There's one black cat in particular that's starting to recognize him, a female cat that he's nicknamed Chip, (Because Chocolate Chip just doesn't roll off the tongue as easily, he argues).

Noen grew up with dogs his entire life. When he was younger, everyone close to him always had a dog around. So even he ends up surprised when he's seen he's taken preference to the feline species like this. He watches with fascination at this foreign breed of how Chip easily jumps from fence-post to fence-post, and bends oddly through small alleys.

It reaches the dreaded hour in the afternoon when kids get picked up from school and SUV's start to park when Noen retreats back inside his house, because while he doesn't mind the mundanely familial neighborhood, he's not exactly going to go out of his way to be around them. He doesn't need any more questions from the neighborhood moms about what he does for a living and he's not sure how much longer he can keep up the fibs that he has a family living with him.

"Hey! Noen!" Says the stranger from inside his car who's voice and car he can tragically recognize.

Noen's heart drops as he turns around. His vision is blurringly met with dark hair and darker eyes. How on earth-

"What the fuck are you doing here? You don't even- How did you even-" Noen answers Chase, or at least tries to while he's shaken up.

"By the way, when did you move?-" Chase interjects without missing a beat, "-I've been driving all over LA for over an hour, and to think, never thought i'd find you here."

It's been confusing for a while now, why Chase was acting so nonchalant; but Noen's come to understand his demeanor as a front for what he's truly feeling. And that's not really something he had to reach too far and wide for, that's just how Chase has always been in the months and years he'd sadly known him.

When Noen thinks far back to their first few conversations it's something that was so immediately clear to him. Chase was someone who, if you didn't know him, would be very clear with his actions and emotions. Some would mistake this as an outgoing personality. Noen, however knew otherwise during the time in which he could be considered as someone close to Chase.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐓 , choenWhere stories live. Discover now