Brother Swap

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*** This chapter is kinda long the next chapters won't be as long***

As I opened my sore, dark brown eyes after a restless sleep. It was the day of the mystic falls dance and I was reluctant to go, as Stefan and I just broke up. I knew if I went, Caroline would give me a life long lecture about how Stefan is the 'better brother' blah blah. But on the other hand, if I didn't go she would also yell at me for ditching.

I felt so guilty about my feelings for Damon. I have no clue how to even act around Stefan. I got ready as I had a very big day ahead of me. I made sure Jeremy was up because he is going to be April's escort. So then I got ready and packed my stuff and headed over to the Lockwood house.

As I predicted Caroline just got off the phone with Stefan and raced over to me. She glared at me with THAT stare. We sat down to get prepped for the pageant. "Now I'm your best friend and I would never pick sides, but are you sure that this is what you want?" She paused. "Because Stefan is your soulmate... Sorry picking sides." Caroline said dreadfully. "How is he?" "He's heartbroken" I explained to her that I still love Stefan. I know it's going to be hard with caroline and Damon, but I'm happy.

I slipped on my new black dress and did my make up. I met up with Caroline and April to sort out her dress. We couldn't decide on the blue or the red dress but we agreed with blue. all of a sudden the door flung open and Damon appeared. "Get out your lurker!" Caroline yelled at him as she threw a piece of fabric at his chest. "Ouch," Damon said sarcastically. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say. I'd assume Stefan told him that we broke up. He told April to put on the red dress but Caroline stepped in and told him that we already decided on the blue one. For some reason, I agreed with Damon and said the red dress is nice. He turned around and walked back down the stairs. I left caroline and ran after him "Damon?" I said nervously. He faced me, he looked so hot in that suit. "Sill here." I paused. "We need to talk" I anxiously said.

"I heard about the breakup. I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not." "Did he tell you why we broke up?" I said reluctantly. "no, but I'm sure it has something to do with you acting weird so why don't you tell me." I took a deep breath in, "you." His blue eyes lit up and did that half-smile thing that he always does. I could tell he was struggling to find the right words and to be honest so was I. I could feel my cheeks going red, I really wanted to get out of there to break the tension. We stared at each other for a few awkward seconds, then Shane came in and wanted to speak with Damon. I let him go and went outside as it was starting.

As Caroline was miss mystic falls she got to present all the escorts. It got to April's turn and Jeremy wasn't there to escort her. I started to worry as Care came up to me and asked me were jer was, Damon stepped in and told me to calm down that he got a drink from the bar and snuck into the woods. I stupidly believed him. As usual, Caroline says "What is wrong with you Damon is lying and manipulative but he's never right! how cant you see that?" Klaus stepped in and told her to calm down thank god, she was causing a scene. I let her walk off with him to watch the dance. Damon and I stood in the crowd to watch the dance. all these memories came flooding back from when we danced together a few years back. I looked over at him from across the garden, he stared at me. I assumed he was remembering too. The tension was unreal, I wanted to dance with him so badly. After the dance I found Jeremy, I followed him to the house.

Inside, I found Jer. He was holding a stake in his palms. "Connor was right. All I can think about is killing vampires". "No Jer why would you say that?" I replied. I slowly walked away until he came charging up behind me. Then he stabbed me in the neck with a small wooden stake, I couldn't breathe. He held a stake above my chest but right before he was about to kill me Stefan ripped him off me. He slowly took the wooden bullet out of my neck so I could breathe.

After the pageant, I realised I couldn't stay at home as I was a vampire and Jeremy wants to kill me. I packed up my stuff and headed over to the Salvatore house, Damon said I could stay there after he heard what happened. I'm not so sure how Stefan really feels about it. I knocked on their big wooden door, Stefan answered it. He is still pissed off he went to stay somewhere else, I think at care's place.

I put my stuff down in an empty room. I sat down on the rustic couch as Damon poured me a drink. "Thanks," I said as he handed it to me. "I was being a gentleman I thought you hated whiskey?" He said. "My brother wants to kill me." "Welcome to the club" Stefan was obviously pissed at Damon because of the reason we broke up. "Jeremy can't live with me, Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted she doesn't like me this way. I think its safe to say I'm not so great at this whole vampire thing." I laughed. "You know what I think?" Damon said. "I don't think I have seen you more alive." My eyes lit up and I smiled, that was probably one of the nicest things he has said to me. "That dance that they did today. It kind of reminded me of-" "When we danced together?" He interrupted "I wanted to dance with you today" I finally built up enough courage to tell him that.

Damon placed his drink down on the table and held out his hand, I grabbed it and wrapped my arms around him. We danced, I could feel his heart beating as my head was laying on his chest. He spun me around and threw out bodies together. I pressed my lips against his and pushed him up against the wall pushing over a lamp and a table. I pinned him down ripping his T-shirt into shreds. 

I'm sure you can use your imagination for the rest ;)

Based on episode 4x07 


Thankyou for reading my story there will be more to come x.

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