Greetings far-hailing friend, welcome to my humble establishment!
If by the odd chance you thought that checking out my writing was actually a good idea and worthwhile expenditure of time, and so journeyed here, then I suppose I ought to thank you!
I would appreciate it very very much if I could get some comments and such on this story--it would mean a lot, even criticism. Constructive crit of course; if you're going to be a jackwagon about anything, then you know where the door is.
Otherwise, welcome to Helgafjord, pull up a seat, enjoy the glowing fire, and listen to the bard as he tells of the great stories...and we all know that we'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a belly-full of Helgajen mead, so...pick out yer tankard! ;)
The Land of Erik Helgaf
Historical FictionIt has been hundreds of years since my native land was founded, when Nobleman Erik Helgaf was forced to make the great voyage across the sea, as punishment for subversive activity, whether real or imagined. Knowledge of whether it was a conspiracy a...