Françoise Dupont High School

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This was it: My first day at Francoise Dupont High School. My first time meeting Alya in person! The first day-
"Get out of my way, peasant!" A girl with blonde hair and bee-like clothing shoved past me as a timid girl with short ginger hair muttered an apology to me. "Utterly ridiculous!" The other girl called.

"Jeez," I muttered, rubbing my shoulder. A girl with unmistakable ombre hair approached me and stood next to me.

"Don't worry about her, that's just Chloe, she's like that to e- Stella!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me after recognising me.

"Alya! I'm so glad to see you!"

"What are you doing here- oh- hey, girl!" Alya suddenly called to someone walking behind me, waving. She'd noticed someone; a girl with light skin, sky-blue eyes and dark blue-black hair tied to two pigtails was walking cheerily toward us. Behind her was a tall boy with dark hair and cyan-dyed tips and next to him was a girl with the same type of hair, except hers was a lot longer and dyed purple.

"I'm living in Paris now; which is great because I get to spend time with you and- who knows? Maybe I'll meet Lady and Cat!" I began. "There is a small con, though." Alya's friend and the two behind her stood in front of me.

"What's that?" The boy asked. The girl with the pigtails suddenly gasped and giggled.

"I didn't know you were behind me Luka!" She exclaimed, before wrapping her arms around him. He chuckled and followed suit. I laughed.

"My lizard, Stardust. Since we moved country, he's in quarantine for a month." I sighed.

"Don't worry, girl; you'll see him soon," Alya stated. "And you have so many more people to meet! This is Marinette, an aspiring fashion designer, this is her boyfriend, Luka, and his sister, Juleka. They're skilled musicians." I raised my hand and mouthed 'hi' as Alya stated the trio's names.

"Hi, I'm Stella. I moved here from Italy because my dad wanted to show us his 'mother country'. I'm glad to be here, though - just as long as I don't run into Hawk Moth." I laughed.

"Don't worry, with Ladybug and Cat Noir on alert, you'll be safe from harm!" Marinette declared.

"Oh, you seem quite certain," I teased, leaning in. "Almost as if you know them." She seemed worried, her eyes widening as she used her pink backpack to hide her face. I stepped back as we started walking into the school building. "You know I'm joking! Anyway, if you knew either of them, or if you were Ladybug, I'm sure that Paris would be in good hands." Marinette calmed down, scratching the back of her head.

"Good hands?" Alya exclaimed. "Have you seen how clumsy this girl is?" It was all in jest, of course, and Marinette merely laughed with Alya. I was glad to have made friends so quickly. I'd completely forgotten about the mean girl who'd called me a 'peasant'.

As we walked into the building, through the hall and up the steps to the classroom, I felt nervous excitement surging through me; as if I was about to see a crush, or do a performance in front of everyone. Little did I know how true that was...


The teacher, Miss Bustier, was standing at the doorway of the classroom, welcoming students in with a warm smile and kind greeting. I trusted her immediately. When she noticed me, she seemed curious. "Hello, there, you must be the new student," she stated. I stood aside so that I wouldn't be in the way of the other students entering the classroom.

"Yes, I am."

"Wonderful. Stella Gaudion, I believe?"

"That's right, miss." I smiled. She smiled back, stating that once everyone was in the class, she'd introduce me. My nervous excitement built up with every person who stepped into the room, before Miss Bustier closed the door. I scanned the room's faces as she introduced me:

"Good morning, everyone. This is Stella Gaudion. She has come here from Italy-"

"Ooh, Italy! The land of pizza!" A boy sitting in the front row stated. We all laughed, as Alya gave him a half telling-off, in spite of laughing herself. Sitting next to the boy who had just spoken was a boy with tufted blonde hair and a white shirt. His skin was tanned but only a little - he clearly spent a lot of time inside. His emerald eyes gleamed in the sunlight as he looked at me curiously. He was quite gorgeous and somewhat familiar...

"Stella?" Miss Bustier asked.

"Pizza?" I replied, looking up at her. Everyone laughed again. "I'm sorry, I must have zoned out." I glanced back at the blonde-haired boy for a second. The teacher wasn't too impressed but gave a short laugh anyway.

"It's all rright. I'd like you to sit next to Ivan on the third row." She stated. A large boy with crossbones on a black shirt waved at me kindly. I was about to step forward until she spoke again. "But I'd like you to tell the class three things about yourself."

"Oh," I replied. "Uh... I like it when things are symmetrical and pretty... I have a bearded dragon named Stardust-..."

"Dragon? Ha! Dragons don't exist, Miss Bustier, this girl is a liar!" Chloe exclaimed. I was taken aback.

"Chloe, there is no need for you to call someone a liar when they haven't fully explained themselves. And this is Stella's first day, I expect you to be welcoming." Miss Bustier snapped.

"A bearded dragon is a lizard, he-"

"Ugh, no one cares about your stupid lizard!" The girl next to Chloe snapped, before whimpering and hiding her face in her hands. Had Chloe told her to say that?

"Sabrina!" Miss Bustier shouted. "One more peep out of anyone, and I will send you to the principal." I began to panic. What if coming here wasn't the best idea after all?

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