Don't Judge A Building By It's Looks

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Stepping down the carriages and looking at the luxurious building infront of them.

Anyone with good eyes can't help to curse out loud. Almost everyone (except Rou Heng) looked at the building with disgust and terror upon discovering their temporary place to stay Inn.

The big golden sign says all that.

After being spooked all of them start to rant and look at Aukai, their so called guide in the mission.

"Yoh, Aukai your joking right? Why are we here? This is not a place for anyone wants to stay for a long time" Hua Heng looked at him with ridicule and tried to intimidate him

Isn't this a pleasure house? *Hua Heng's mind*

"My source told me that this place will be the guests' temporary hideout I mean...I am too didn't believe at first place" Aukai helplessly said while trying to look innocent for the matter

"This is the most absurd and ridiculous idea your so called source give you... Are you telling us to stay in this dirty place?Your source's brain is fried! How idiotic! " Wen Ping didn't hide his disgust look

"This is crazy! That source of yours has a very dirty and idiotic mind! Who wants to stay in this goddamn place?! Sure, I frequent go to place like these but this place wasn't my league! Who wants to go in a GAY BROTHEL?! This blasphemous place is creeping me out! "Mu Qing starts to blabber

(*Please excuse me if some words is very rude 🙏 Mu Qing is very rude sorry for him*)

Yes that's right! The five General's temporary hideout is a Brothel specialised for men. A pleasure House for people who loves men than girls or men who have fetish on flirting same gender.

But the thing is this brothel is legal and safe. The Guo empire is a free country and didn't prohibits same sex relationships or brothels like these as long as the business is legal and safe with no malice. Even so, there are also rules to follow and must not break or the Palace will make sure business like illegal brothels as well slavery will be wipe out from the empire.

This brothel is one of the famous gay brothel in Daria province but also it is located in a secluded area.

It is a 2 story building with four big wide windows. Red lanterns scripted with golden charms were decorated as well gold and silver shiny beads were shining like stars. The door of the brothel was a little bit tall and sturdy with a hand carved gold design of geometric pattern on it.

But the most eye catching is the brothels golden plaque that is hanging in above the entrance. The words that is carved on it is too eye-catching as well hateful to look at.

Paradise Brothel

The 5 men don't have the courage to move forward as they all stand on the border of the brothel's gate

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The 5 men don't have the courage to move forward as they all stand on the border of the brothel's gate. Hua Heng looked at them amused and start to tease the proud straight men beside her. Even Aukai, their guide,who is gloating at them a while ago didn't have the will to step in their so called temporary hideout.

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