Welcome to Book Lovers Community!
So many books out there waiting to be read. So many stories out there, stuck inside one's mind until they are poured on the paper and become beautiful books. So many good books hidden from sight, waiting for a lucky break to become famous.
When you are a books lover, you know all that is true. And what pains you the most is knowing you won't ever be able to read all the good books out there, especially because some aren't even that known.
So, why not try to help some of those precious hidden gems become famous, so more people know them, so you, our fellow books lover, can find them and read them?
That's our main objective, but we know we still have a long path ahead until we can actually make that big of a difference. So, come in, get to know us better, and help us helping those books get the recognition they indeed deserve.
Because we all love books and they deserve our help!
Always keep reading,
Books Lovers Community
Books Lovers Community - A Guide Book
Non-FictionYou, fellow books lover, are just a few steps (or better yet, clicks) away from entering the wonderful world that is our community. A place where you can share your love for books with many others books lovers that had already mustered the courage t...