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I glanced over Destiny's shoulder again to find Amelia still staring at me. I groaned and hid my face from her.
"Have you noticed how Amelia keeps staring at you?"
I quickly turned sideways to face Jack,my best male friend properly.
"Why's Amelia staring at you,is she into you?"
"Eww,no way, not that I hate her,she's a nice person but she's a girl,I'm a girl too. That can't be possible,not with me"
"Shit! She's coming over" What? I don't know why but my heart dropped instantly.

"Hey..." She said as she leaned on the table with a jewelry filled hand on it.
"Hi..." I smiled awkwardly and tapped my fingers on the table.
"I'd like us to go somewhere private,there's something I'd like to tell you" I glared at her and then at Jack. He frowned at Amelia and looked down at his phone.
I looked over at her fellow popular boys and girls and found one of the guys smiling at me,I frowned at him and looked back at Amelia.
"Okay" She smiled gratefully and took the lead.

"One of my guys is interested in you"
"Hmm?" I blinked twice and looked at her.
"I'll get him" I watched her go back into the cafeteria to get whosoever she talked about. It surprised me, could it be that she's actually not into me? And who the hell is that that's interested in me? Wait...why do I even care!

She later came out with cute Alex. I stared at his smooth face, light brown hair and eyes. He's a god! Same guy that was staring at me in the cafeteria.
I blushed immediately and played with my hands as he came closer.
"I'll leave u two" She walked away but she didn't go back inside the cafeteria, she moved down the hall and went round corner.
"Sooo.." I said avoiding his eyes.
"Call me Ella" I quickly said. I don't like my full name.
"No,I love your name so much,it just suits your cute face" I blushed redder and licked my lips looking away.

It doesn't matter tho,I so much loved the way he called my name,it sounded so different and sweet from his lips.
I looked up at him to find him staring at me,I chuckled as he chuckled,I stared at him and he stared at my lips. He leaned in and cupped my cheek,kissing me passionately, and surprisingly I felt nothing, you know sometimes when you meet your love and you share your first kiss,there's got to be a spark or something.

But in his case,I felt nothing and I fucking don't know why.
He pulled away and ran his fingers over my lips. I forced a smile and looked away. I wanted to leave,but then one of his guys Darell, called for him.
"I'll catch you later" He pecked me and turned running into the cafeteria. I sighed and put my hands over my face,I just need to chill. I walked to the girl's locker room and locked the door. I don't know but I felt a presence there, I felt some one staring at me. I shook my head and went to the basin,I quickly splashed water on my face an sprinkled some on my hair.

"Hey..." I looked in the mirror to see Amelia leaning on one of the doors behind me. I knew someone was here.....
"Amelia, sorry I locked the door I didn't know you were in here...I'll unlock it"
"Never mind" She quickly said as she walked towards me,the way she walked really got me thinking....
"Do you want me to..." Mhhhhh. Amelia kissed me! On the lips,and I felt what I always wanted to feel when I kissed someone. She moved her hands over mine and I could feel electric sparks....with a girl? I pushed her away from me. No! No! I can't be a lesbian or a bi!

"Why did you kiss me!" I half yelled and wiped my mouth. She looked sad after what I did.
"What's wrong...I thought you liked it" I felt embarrassed, she looked at me and I shook my head,walking out and banging the door.
I take back what I said earlier, 'It mustn't be your love that you feel a spark with! It can be anyone!' I marched back to class to get my things and go home.

"Ella,is that purple lipstick on your lips?" I quickly placed my hands over Jack's mouth,I looked around,glad that no one heard that, I let him free.
"I'm sorry" I rolled my eyes and put my books in my bag.
"I said I'm sorry...." He got up and put his hands on my waist.
"Staap! I've heard you it's fine" He smirked and sat down again.
"So! What's the purple lipstick about,I know too well that you don't use coloured lip gloss." Dang it! He has a point there,I never use coloured gloss.

"Look Jack I'll tell you everything when we get home" He nodded and carried our bags,yeah he carries my bag home for me everyday,the best friend any one could have.
"Hi mum"
"Good afternoon,Mrs. Scott"
"Kids! How was school today"
"Boring" We both chorused and laughed.
"Boring! I see" Dad said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Dad!" I hugged him,you might think that's what kindergartens do but I love my dad so much,I sometimes do what little kids do,tho I'm 16.
"Ella...you didn't give me a hug" Mum said pouting. I laughed and hugged her,she squeezed me tightly and pecked my cheek.
"Jack,how are your parents doing"
"They're doing great Mr. Scott,thank you"
"Ohk" He nodded and smiled.
"I'll be leaving now,Ella be a nice girl" He pecked my for head.
"Honey" My dad said as he kissed my mum,perfection!!
Jack and I smiled cheesily and looked away.
"Bye dad!"
"Goodbye,Mr. Scott"
"See ya later kids!"

"OK,so what now..." I heard my mum say but I and Jack had already skipped upstairs. I heard her laugh to herself.

I opened the door to my room and let Jack in...
"Amelia kissed me" I said to him shutting my eyes. When I heard nothing,I slowly peeled my eyes open one after the other and found him looking at me with his mouth slightly open.
"How? Wait...you let her kiss you?"
"No,no...it's just,I don't know...she just kissed me"
"And what did you do after that" I looked at him,I noticed his mood had changed.
"I didn't do anything,did you expect me to slap her or yell?"
"Oh! I thought you said you don't like lesbians"
"Of course I don't, Jack what are talking about"
"Did you like the kiss?" I narrowed my gaze at him.
"Jack,why are you asking all this questions"
"Answer the fucking question!"
"Yes,No,I mean yes,I did like the kiss Jack but that doesn't mean I love her" He looked at me with disappointment.
"I thought you knew better" He said within clenched teeth and left my room banging the door.

I was so confused,this has never happened before,I got up quickly and ran to the window. I could see him step out the porch and walk briskly down the street.
"Jack! Jack!" He heard me call him and stopped.
"Please wait" I climbed from the window and rolled down hitting the ground with a thump,but it didn't hurt since the roof wasn't far from the ground.
"Jack" I called but he still had his back against me.
"Jack what is this all about,why are you acting strange"
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you,so no worries" He snapped with his back still facing me and walked off. I stood there watching him leave.
I slowly walked back to the house and to my room,I fell face down on my bed an stayed there for probably 30 minutes.
I felt for my phone with my hand and with my face still in my covers.
I got up and called Jack,it was ringing but he didn't answer it.
I sent him a lot of texts but he didn't reply,I sighed and put my face in my covers again.
But this time I slept off.

Thank y'all for reading! Please comment,share and vote if you really loved this part.
Stay tuned😂 for more drama!!💋😉xoxo

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