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Three years later....

Living in hell was like paradise to me,Queen Lucy,King Lucifer and Luciano my mate or should I say 'husband',everyone was so nice to me,well everyone except Alex's best friend Bella.

"What do you want Bella"
"Oh! Shut up,ever since you came here,Luciano never spends time with me anymore,you took him away from me!" Bella had blonde hair like me and brown eyes,she's a cutie but her character is nothing to write home about.
"Bella,I didn't take anyone away from you,why don't you stop yelling and go find him,he's not with me now is he?" I rolled my eyes and raised the ends of my royal dress as I walked to prevent me from tripping.
"You say that like it's an easy thing,you know Luciano is always busy and whenever he is not, you take your useless self to him!"
"I wouldn't have you insult me Bella, I am your princess" I said as I turned to face her. She pursed her lips and gritted her teeth at me.
I tilted my head to the side."What's wrong Bella,can't say anything now?"

I laughed and opened the door to my room,and guess what...she followed me in too!
"Leave my presence this instant Bella"
"Gabriella,I hate your guts,you think the world revolves around you!" At that moment, my prince charming walked in.
"My precious" I smiled widely and embraced him.
"My Love" He kissed my lips down to my neck and bare shoulders, I felt happy that he was totally ignoring the fact that Bella was there.
"How are you doing this bright morning,my love" I said loudly. He smirked and tapped my nose.
"I'm doing great but I need you to fill the gap of loneliness in my heart"
"Awwn,I love you" I kissed his cheek. Bella cleared her throat rather loudly.

Alex quickly looked over my shoulders.
"Bella? I didn't even know you were here!" I put my arms around Alex's neck and stared at Bella. She frowned and looked from Alex to me, I laughed inwardly,she really looked like a fool.
"You know what,I don't care" She stared at me long and hard and I stared back too,then she stomped off and banged the door.
Alex cocked his brow at the door and then looked at me.
"What was that?"
"I don't know,maybe she's sick in the head" Alex laughed and swiped me off my feet.
"You look so sexy,Ella" He said and kissed my neck all over.
"Staap!!" I said playfully and laughed loudly as he carried me to my bed and lay me down.

"I want you...now" I pouted and tapped my chin.
"Well you can have me now,besides,we're married and we don't need permission" Alex smirked and bit his lower lip,which made him look sexier and cuter!
"I could eat you for breakfast,lunch and dinner" I widened my eyes as he said that.
"I'm all yours" I laughed as he hurriedly took his shirt off and lay on top of me.
"Can I help you with that?" He pointed at my dress.
"Why not" I chuckled and trailed my fingers over his smooth handsome chest.
He undressed me and we lay that way together in covers.
"Ready to make some babies?"
"Hell yes!" I laughed as he tickled me,and well you know what happened next,it was fun!!

Two months later I found out I was pregnant for Luciano,now I'm in my seventh month,it was really a hectic one,carrying a royal baby yet to be born in my belly. Luciano had been a wonderful father,caring for me and our baby.
"Luciano! My prince" My waist ached badly and I needed a shoulder to rest on.
"Alex! Luciano,where are you"
"Ella,Ella are you okay?" I was glad to see him,running towards me.
"No! I'm not okay...my waist aches"
"Oh,I'm really sorry,I was in a meeting with my father and the council,but is your voice okay? You sounded really loud"
I chuckled." It's okay,what do you mean". He laughed and took me to his room.

"You know...I'm so excited that I'm going to be a father soon" Alex said as I lay my head on his chest,listening to the sound of his heartbeat as he rubbed my shoulder.
"Yeah it's amazing,years ago when we were in school,I never saw myself getting married to you,not to speak of having a child for you...it all seems like a dream"
"What if I was a vampire Ella,would you still be with me?" I jerked my head up to look at him properly.
"Are you doubting my love for you,Alex" It was more like a statement than a question.
"No,no,never,I just wanted to know" I lay back on his chest.
"Well just so you know,I will be with you no matter what you are,it's what's in the heart"

Silence ruled for a moment."I'm so lucky to have you,Ella". I blushed and placed my hand on his perfect body.
"And I'm lucky to have you too,my prince" I looked up at him after I said that,he smiled and stroked my hair.
"How's Derrick doing"
"How do you know it's going to be a boy" I chuckled and sat up facing him.
"My instincts tell me so"
"Well,it's a girl and her name's Jasmine" He cocked his brow at me and looked at my tummy,before I said anything,he bent low and put his ear close to it.
"Do girls like football?" I wondered at the question.
"I don't really know,so many I know hate it"
"Then our baby is a boy,cause I can hear him score a goal"

"Score a goal?" I laughed." With who?"
"My son is very creative and imaginative" I wanted to say something but I decided not to,I just smiled and stared at him.
"How did I get to love you so much" I lay back on his chest.
"If we hadn't loved each other,Derrick wouldn't have been in there"
"It's a girl!"
"You know what,it doesn't matter,be it a girl,be it a boy,I will love them more than anything,because my baby is a precious jewel just like you"
He kissed my head,I was in Cloud nine! I never knew Alex could be this romantic and sweet!
A knock on the door is what I least expected,who is that that wanted to ruin this moment!
"Excuse me my lady" Alex said as he lifted my head from his chest and lay it on one of the pillows. I giggled and waved him off.

"Who is it!" Alex called in a more serious tone.
"My Prince dinner is ready"
"We will be down in a minute!" He yelled and turned back to me.
"Dinner?" He asked, I nodded as he helped me come down from the bed.
"Let's go" I said as he arched his hand for me to put mine through,I gladly did and walked to the dining room with him. And oh! Did I tell you? Bella lives with us now,I don't know why.
"Presenting! Prince Luciano and Princess Gabriella!" The usual trumpets blown and everything,soon everyone was set for dinner. And I don't even know why Bella sat opposite me today.
It was against the rules to speak during meals,so the dining hall was as quiet as anything.

I don't know what Bella was up to,but her cutleries fell off from her hands and landed on the floor with a loud CLANG!!
And since it was a really big hall,it echoed,I almost chocked as I  noiselessly laughed at Bella's surprised look.
King Lucifer and Queen Lucy both exchanged looks and then looked at Bella sternly. Bella folded her lips in and looked down,King Lucifer sure had serious domain over her,see how she fumbles at his look only.
Alex leaned closer to my ear and whispered."Why were you laughing"
I looked at him and smiled,we both looked at Bella and chuckled almost causing a noise.
Not to seem wicked but since Bella said they were best friends,Alex had every right to laugh at her mistakes right?

Perfection!!! This chapter is obviously my best! And it gets even better when Gabriella puts to birth!
Keep reading to enjoy this hilarious novel! And don't forget,like share, comment and follow me! Thank u!

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