Beach Day

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Once the debacle of your birthday had died down, classes resumed and work returned to a everyday normal schedule. Things had been relatively peaceful until the day Yang asked you out onto a beach date. You thought it would be a nice and harmless encounter so you figured, why the heck not. You and Yang got your things packed up and drove on down to Vale's shoreline to spend the day. Yang was in a nice, fine two piece while you had an undershirt on along with aviator glasses and (F/C) swim shorts.

You were the first to step out of your car and smell the nice cool ocean breeze. Surprisingly, not that many people used the beach, so you had plenty of room despite it being mid-day. You walked to the edge of the parking lot and sniffed the air. A smile grew on your face and your wolf ears began to perk around.

(Y/N): Ears got something nice! Cool breeze. Lovely day. Beautiful lady friend.

Yang: Speaking of your beautiful lady friend, how about helping me out back here, Wolfie!

(Y/N): Gotcha.

You walked back over to Yang and grabbed a cooler from the trunk.

Yang: I said, if you could help BACK HERE?

(Y/N): And I am.

Yang: No. You're not.

You raised an eyebrow. Yang rolled her eyes and then pointed at her rear. Your eyes widened as she leaned up to your ear.

Yang: (Whispering; seductively) I want you to spank me. Eat my ass. Tear it apart!

(Y/N): I think I did enough of that around a month ago.

Yang: Not according to me you didn't.

You rolled your eyes and then smirked. You grabbed another bag and set the cooler down.

(Y/N): You know. You really are a LOT (Spanks Yang) to handle some time.

Yang moaned at the hit, bitting her lip in response. You shook your head and grabbed the stuff you already pulled out of the car.

Yang: We are ssooo getting a room after this.

(Y/N): No, we're not.

You grabbed your things and began to walk to the beach. However, that left Yang moaning internally, as she too, grabbed her own thing.

Yang: I like that idea.

With that, Yang followed you. You scoped around the area and both found a nice spot not to close to the shore, but just right. After getting everything set up, Yang laid down on her stomach.

Yang: Hey, (Y/N). Think you could help me out with sunscreen?

(Y/N): Sure.

You got down on your knees as Yang unclipped her bikini top. As you were about to start with assisting her, you had a quick little idea. You began to silently grope the sides of Yang's breasts. Yang began to moan silently until she bit her towel and you laughed.

(Y/N): You love this too much.

Yang nodded, still bitting down on the towel as you worked along her body. Not letting up, you just kept at touching her and hearing her moan into the towel. Finally after a few minutes, you stopped and let Yang relax a bit. You began to look out across the sea as Yang calmed down from her ecstasy high. She then grabbed a beach ball and chucked it at you. You were barely able to dodge as she stood there laughing at you.

(Y/N): What was that for?!

Yang: (Whispering) For doing that to me in public!

(Y/N): (Whispering) Says the girl who jammed my hand into her pants at an Achieve Men concert!

Yang X Wolf Faunus Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now