Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Kanene POV
          I am being woke up by the smell of food i smell by fav to blueberry pancakes , So I hop up get in the shower for like 30 minutes and hope out , I through on some high waisted shorts with a plain white t and put on my black and white converse . Then I wake Tay up and she always complain about how early it is , But I told her to get up or she is staying her !

She gets up and goes to the bathroom and handles her hygiene stuff , I  head downstairs and the more I smell the food the more my stomach growls . I make my way to the kitchen and there my mother , dad , brother , and Kaci , They were eating and talking I get a plate and start putting food on it !

Next thing I know Tay come walked down the stairs looking all cute , She had on her high waist shorts and a black t with some alll black converse , she came grabbed a plate and got some food and sat down !

" So when we first get there I got to handle something boys I need y'all with me and girls y'all can have y'all day out and then the next day we can do something together as a family " my dad said " Ok sounds fine to me right girls " my mom asked us and I was like whatever , I don't know if its me or I see Kaci and Tay making eye contact its crazy !

But anyways I don't see why we call it a family vacation there's no point everybody finishes up we all wash are dish then go get our luggage's so we can roll out me Kaci and Jordon and Tay got in a car and one of my dads security was in they own car following us , Our mother and dad was in a car , Tay and Kaci wanted to sit in the back I wasnt tripping !

We make it to the airport to get on our private jet , we get settled and take off we make it to Cancun and , We get off go check into our rooms and my Dad , Jordon , and Kaci disappeared so my mom Tay and I  did a day were we relaxed and get massages and mud bathes and went swimming ! We're all done and head back to the rooms we have no sign off my dad but we don't trip time goes by and its now 2 am and they still haven't showed we kept calling all of them my mom tried my dad I tried Jordon and Tay tried Kaci ! No answer so we just go to sleep and I wake up and i here a lot of laughing and talking so i get up and its Kaci and Jordon and some more of his boys , I only know Jesus I just went back to my room and layed down some more i gotta text from Jordon

Convo :

BigHead : Want to chill at the beach with us !

Me : I guess give us time to get ready

BigHead : Aght

" Tay wake up we bout to go to the beach " " Man its to early " " Girl its 3 in the afternoon what you mean , I'm bout to hop in the shower when I get out your ass better be up " " Ok whatever " tay said and laid back down I couldn't do nothing but laugh .

I got in the shower for 30 minutes brushed my teeth put on my baby blue 2 piece swimsuit and lotion my body up I grabed a towel abd left the restroom and to my surprise tay was up and she rushed to the restroom and did her hygiene stuff then 30 minutes later she was out and had on a hot pink swimsuit on !

We both got a beach bag put our towels in and grabed our phone and grabed some shorts and a plain shirt to put on and left " damn took y'all long enough " Jordon said mad " shut the hell up " Tay said " Come on lets go " I said laughing !

We go down to the beach me and tay sitting there watching the boys play football and Jesus start to walk over " omg tay , Jesus coming he so fine omg and he a thug , I wouldn't mind seeing his face everyday " " Girl he is but Kaci h- " " Girl I knew something was going on with y'all " i interrupt her and Jesus walks up " Whats up Ka'nene and Tay right " He asked " Yeah Tay is what they call me " " Ok y'all wanna play football with us " Jesus says " Hell yeah I'm burn sand on y'all " Tay said " Kanene what about you " Jesus says " Na I'm good I'm work on getting some sun its good for the body " I say " Bye girl " Tay say and up and left a bitch and Jesus gone make himself at home on my blanket " I know what you trying to do and I'm let you know I dont date my brothers friends so you can get up and go " " Lol mami you funny I don't wanna date i just wanna be friends , but one of these days you gone been mine " that made me melt inside " You know you cant resist me well I guess Ima go finish the game " I really didn't want him to go but shit Ima play hard to get as possible .

We start to pack up and head back to the room , because we were going out as a family to eat because we leaving early in the morning . so we all take our showers , I had on a black dress that comes a little above my knees and some red bottoms I washed my hair and so it was curly I just blow dried it and it all wavy and curly I didn't like it so I put in the most sexiest messy bun ever and I do a simply natural look with nude lipstick and eyeliner and mascara and then I turn around and see Tay with a red dress that came to her knees and and some black bottoms and she had her hair curled she had on some lip gloss with some mascara with eyeliner " We bad bitch " I say , So we take some pics I make a college of us and post it on Facebook and Instagram and we got likes from everywhere !

We go to the living room were everybody was at waiting on us they always waiting on me , So we go to the restaurant , I don't know how to pronounce the name but they food bomb af , We're just eating and talking and I get a text but idk the number

Convo :

Unknown : Whats up girl

Me : Who is this

Unknown : Look up

So I looked up and see Jesus waving at me and I'm like wtf .

Me : How did you get my #

ThisNigga : From your big head brother

Me : Oh

ThisNigga : Yeah

I just turned my phone over and put it down everybody was full and ready to go , So we went to the room we had our own little condo and my father and mother had theres so we all chilled rolled a few blunts and turnt some music on and got some drinks flowing ! We had a blast I dont remember nothing after my 6th drink !

Marcus POV

I woke up its 9:00am and we need to make it to the jet fast , So I pack me and my wife stuff and hoping the kids is up and ready to go ! I go to there room and knock on the door no answer so I just walked in I hear nothing I'm walking through the living room and see bottles of liquor , I got every last person in this condo because I'm beyond pissed " EVERYBODY GET THERE MF ASSES UP AND CLEAN THIS CONDO AND GET Y'ALL SHIT SO WE CAN BE OUT IM SO PISSED OFF AT Y'ALL " No matter how much i didn't expect nothing out of them I don't wanna see this BS !

Ka'nene POV

Man I cant believe he came in here raising up a storm over nothing but we cleaned up and got our stuff together and bounced ! When I got back , Got to get my shit ready for school man I'm to tired for this and my birthday next month . We get our stuff on the jet and leave going back home !

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