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A few days passed and my eyes twitched as I sat at the house waiting for Naruto. If was way past his curfew. I sighed looking at the food I made and sighed putting it in the fridge.

"When will he learn, " I sight.

I left the house searching for him. It wasn't too hard to track down his chakra. When I made it I stood in a tree observing him sleeping on the floor.

"you know you could come down here, " A familiar voice said.

"whats the toad doing here, " I asked looking down at him.

He looked hurt for a moment.

"I'm The Toad Sage. Not a Toad, "

"sage implies someone powerful, someone, deserving respect, usually someone humble, and someone with self-control, that's doesn't seem like you, " I said.

I looked down and blinked, he was gone. Then the sensation of falling happened. I barely managed to catch myself. Then I got picks up and in a few seconds we were somewhere entirely different and I was thrown into a river. I looked up now drenched to see him standing at the edge looking down at me.

"That attitude of yours is going to get you killed, " He said.

I gritted my teeth glaring at him.

"Id like to see you try, " I growled.

a dull pain came to my chest as the wind was knocked out of me. I went crashing to the ground getting more drenched in water. I looked at the fool to see him looking down at me.

"If i wanted to kill you I could, very easily," He said.

I gripped my chest rage filling me. I leapt up and went to punch him only for my fist to be caught. I was tossed to the side and I growled to myself leaning on my hands and knees glaring at him.

"you should pick your fights better. You have a limit, " He said.

I rose too my feet talking a deep breath. The air was cold and being drenched only made the child worse. However, the burning rage warmed me up enough.

I pulled out my kunai throwing them at him. He dodged them all. I ran up, holding two as I went to strike him. He grabbed one worst holding it tightly he got the other kunai out of my hand.

I made a hand sign teleporting to my kunai. He wasn't able to block my first attack but he managed to block everyone after that. I was soon a few meters away from him.

"how long do you plan on coddling your brother. He will leave on day. Summer than later it seems. All you're doing is making it harder for the both of you, "

My surrounding changed and before me, I saw Naruto looking at me a sad smile.

" I'm leaving Akane. I have to go, " He said.

He began walking into the light. I went to go after him only to be held back by chains. They trapped me. I struggled against the and the darkness surrounded me. I could barely see naruto and he disappeared leaving me alone.

"Please don't leave me here, " I begged.

"Please don't leave me here, " I begged

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Jiraiya watched as she froze hearing hi words. She reached out her hand and a golden chain flew at him. His eyes widened as he was caught. It wrapped around him.

"Please don't leave me here, " He heard Akane said.

She soon fell to her knees the chain disappearing.

"do you understand now, " Jiraiya asked?

She didn't say a word as he walked away. He knew he was harsh but it was for her own good. It wasn't healthy to live her life only for her brother. And she needed to let him go so he could grow and become strong. It was for both if them.

Naruto's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now