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Name: Gilgamesh Uruk

Master/Lover: Gabriel

Race: 2/3 god 1/3 human

Looks: (you all know how Gil looks. You can decide rather you want to have the hair slicked back or not. I don't care)

Weapons/ abilities: (Gilgamesh has a ton of abilities so I'm going to list the ones that we see the most like his noble phantasms, but if you want to know more about his abilities go to the wiki and look up his stats. Then read all of that. Kay? good.)

Gates of Babylon: he prefers to shoot the weapons rather than use them in a sword fight but if he has to he can.

Enki: two swords that form a bow that can fire a very destructive attack at the enemy.

Enkidu: the chains of heaven. The more divinity you have the stronger they get. So they can hold gods and not break.

Ea: (my wallet hurts) you know the Sword of Rapture. Gil refrains from using 200% of it due to 1. Gils arrogant and 2. The destruction it will cause.

Sha Naqba Imuru: basically a form of clairvoyance. Can see people's stats and I'm pretty sure he can see the future a bit.

Vimana: the throne of the soaring king. It moves with his thought and has some other abilities but I'm going over them so look them up if you want to know more.
Notable items in the Gate of Babylon:

Kings wine: it's jot Gil if he ain't drinking his wine.

Command spells: (wonder who I could give some too.) he has seven command speeds in GoB.(so he can make two. Other people a master of a servent if he wanted but I'm only going to make one other person a master and that is Michael, just don't know what servant to give him. If you have ideas for the servant please tell me.)

Dáinsleif : a demonic sword from Nibelungen.

Durandal: The peerless sword: (it doesn't look like the DxD version of Durandal. Look up "fate Durandal" to get the accurate image for this sword.)

Gáe Bolg: spear of Cú Chulainn. Doesn't have the knowledge required to active the NP but he can fire it as a projectile using GoB and the wound it makes can't be healed.

Golden axe: uses personally

Golden Drill: uses personally (look it up)

Golden lance: uses personally

Golden swords: a pair of swords that resemble Enki (he has Enki but decides to use these as to not have to use something like Enki on mongrels that don't deserve it).

Gram: the "Sword of the Sun". The strongest demonic sword.

Houtengeki: a halberd. (Look it up)

Immortal Slaying Scythe, Harpe: a divine sword used to kill the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus.

Merodach: The Original Sin: a powerful sword which is the prototype of both Gram and Caliburn. Able to shatter (fate) Caliburn in a single strike.
Mountain piercing spears: name says it all.

Potion of youth: turns him into his child form. (Look it up)
Tho Aias: the Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens: (look it up)

Ship of light: travel faster than the speed of light.

The Great Cup of Uruk: equal to the Holy grail in worth.(look up the rest)

Vajra: look it up

Hades' Cap of Invisibility: E-Rank Noble Phantasm.

Caladbolg: (just looked it up and he does have it in GoB.

(There are a lot more in this section on the wiki but I'm getting tired of having to copy so if you want to know the rest look up the rest.)

Angel and the Hero King(Gilgamesh X Gabriel) (Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now