Dragon Brothers

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Blessing y'all with another chapter. This takes place during season 4. Also it does get intense at some parts and there will be a bit of blood and stuff so skip this if u don't like all that.

  Colin put his hand on Viper's back as the poison dragon slayer vomited over the side of the boat.

"D-don't touch me you-" Viper's sentence was cut off as he began to get sick again.

Colin cringed a bit at the sight and turned away. "I told you you should've used that potion. But you had to be stubborn."

The older male finished vomiting and lifted his head up to face Colin. His face was pale after puking his guts out. "Don't get smart with me carrot head."

  "Wow that's a new one." Colin muttered under his breath.

  "What was that?" Viper spat.

  "N-nothing!" The ginger stuttered, knowing full well that the man in front of him could beat him up even after getting sick off the side of a boat.

  Viper rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He sat down and began to anxiously drum his fingers onto the wooden floor of the boat. "I hope Bryan and Mario are doing alright."

  Colin sat down next to him. "I'm sure they are. They seemed good last time we met up."

  "If you say so." Viper responded.

For about a month now the dragon slayers had grown close, much to their surprise. Of course they fought a lot, but there was something almost instinctive that made them feel very protective of each other. Almost like brothers.

  So they decided to meet up every week now. To just talk, tell each other what's been going on in their lives, and assure one another that they were okay.

  Of course they didn't let anyone else know. They couldn't have anyone else knowing that they could actually get along. It was their secret.

  Finally the boat docked and the two men walked out.


Bryan was sitting behind the building that he and the other dragon slayers usually met up at. He was so excited to see them. His week had been super eventful and he had so much to tell them!

"Hey Bryan." A voice said behind him. He snapped his head to reveal the Earth dragon slayer, Mario.

"Oh hi Mario! Didn't see ya there."

Mario nodded his head and leaned onto the building. "Hopefully Viper and Colin are going to be here soon. I don't want to wait that long."

"Ya me too." The fire dragon slayer smirked. "How much you wanna bet that Viper refused to use the potion again and is currently puking his lunch off the side of the boat."

Mario let out a laugh. "No point in betting. We both know he's doing that right now."

Bryan smiled and the two waited at that spot for a couple minutes, until two figures could be seen in the distance.

"Oh there they are!" Bryan said and the raven haired boy next to him nodded.

  "Hey." Mario said as the other two came up to them.

  "Hey Bryan, hey Mario." Colin said as the blue haired boy next to him nodded his head in greeting.

  "Hey guys! How are you doing?" Bryan asked.

  "I'm doing fine right now." Colin responded with a smile. Viper simply shrugged his shoulders.

  "Wow someone's talkative today." Bryan commented sarcastically. The older dragon slayer glared at him with his purple and blue eyes.

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