Chapter 7❤️

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No ones POV

Jin was outside talking with Baekhyun

these two practically raised Taehyung because his relationship with his parents was... somewhat complicated so they ended up becoming quite close

halfway through their conversation Namjoon came running outside which Jin noticed, rolled his eyes and just ignored until Namjoon came towards them, ending their conversation

"jin i need to talk to you" he said with a serious look on his face

"what is it now? can't find a condom?" he said rolling his eyes again

he didn't know why Namjoon annoyed him so much but he just did

"come on please Jin, i really need to speak to you"

"go on then speak" he looked at Baekhyun and then back at Jin

"can we talk somewhere else" he said looking desperate

"go talk in my bedroom, i'll go find Luhan.. if he isn't in bed with Sehun already" he said the last part quietly but loud enough so they heard him and then he left and Namjoon took Jins arm and lead him to Baekhyuns room

once inside jin sits on the bed with an annoyed look on his face

"what do you want" he crosses his arms while Namjoon starts pacing

"w-well the t-thing is-"

"spit it out!"

"um... how did you know you were gay?" he whispers but Jin heard him

"so you finally realise your gay huh?" Jin says laughing

"hey! don't laugh, this is why i've come to you and not any of those little kids, i thought you'd be more serious"

Jin stops laughing and holds it back "ok ok i'm sorry Joon"

"anyway, i don't actually know to be honest so thats why i wanted to know how you knew you was"

"well i guess it was when i realized i had this huge crush on a boy, but i never really knew until i kissed him"

Namjoon starts pacing faster now

"so your saying i have to kiss the boy i like in order to know"

"wait you like a guy!?"

"u-um y-yeah kind of"

"i wont ask who cause i know you wont tell me but if you really want to know if your gay or not you need to know what your truly feeling towards him"

"i cant explain how i feel, i love teasing him because he looks so cute when he's mad, i love being around him but i feel like he gets annoyed by my presence and hes just perfect and the most beautiful boy i've ever seen but i feel like he hates me" namjoon sits down on the bed next to Jin

"i seriously doubt he hates you" Jin puts his hand on Namjoons back

"really?" he said while covering his face

"Jin... do you hate me?"

"of course i don't hate you"

in that moment Namjoon turns to Jin and hugs him tightly

this hug made Jin feel so warm inside

as they pull back from the hug, their faces only centimeters from each other

Namjoon looks at Jin completely mesmerized

thats when Namjoon decided to do something that would change his life forever

he leans in and closes the gap between their faces

he decided to kiss his crush

at first Jin was shocked by the sudden action but he soon started to kiss him back
Something about this kiss just felt...

A/N I'm sorry for another short chapter but I hope you liked it 😂😂

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