Chapter 5

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"Let's do karaoke!" Even though Ariel had drunk a bit too much, everyone found it a great idea and gathered around.

Ruby's party was still going on and Emma had trouble not looking at Regina. The brunette had flashed her some angry glares after their conversation, but she'd been able to convince several people that she and Emma had, in fact, no relationship whatsoever.

She still seemed angry at Emma for what she'd pulled off and even though Emma wanted to ignore the brunette, she felt her eyes being drawn to the figure every time she tried to look away.

"I will listen to everyone sing, but I'm not going to sing myself!" Emma exclaimed loudly and laughed wholeheartedly. She wasn't really talking to one person in specific, but Ruby next to her giggled as well, having the exact same plan in mind.

Ariel looked around and it was as though she looked through everyone somehow. Emma and Belle exchanged a look before Ariel grabbed one of the two microphones.

Ruby had expected people wanted to sing karaoke, so she'd retrieved the old karaoke machine from one of the old boxes in Granny's basement. It still worked, once she'd connected them to the boxes and now they had a perfect setting to sing.

"Hellooo, ladies and gentlemen," Ariel said and laughed loudly as she looked at the stuffed room.

The air was hot and sticky and there were actually too many people to fit in the Diner, but it was fun and everyone enjoyed it.

"I want to call the first people on stage, so who wants to sing?" Ariel practically screamed into the microphone, but nobody minded.

Regina stepped forward and smiled. "If I sing, will I be able to choose the person I'm singing with?" she asked, overly sweet.

Ariel nodded. "Sure, sure. Though I will choose the song," she said and smiled back at the brunette.

Emma chuckled as she watched Regina struggle to get the microphone and looked at Ruby and Belle. "This is going to be hilarious," she said and turned back to the brunette and redhead on the so-called stage.

"I invite Emma Swan over there to sing with me," Regina said and even though it was rather dark, Emma could notice the evil smirk on the brunette's face.

"Yes, I think this is going to be hilarious," Ruby said and laughed as she pushed Emma forward.

"I'm not singing," Emma determinedly said and refused to walk forward, but when everyone started booing, she felt forced to get on stage - which were merely a few planks on the floor - and grab the microphone from Ariel.

She glared angrily at Regina as Ariel started choosing a song for them to sing in front of everyone.

"You're welcome," Regina whispered smugly and Emma groaned annoyed.

"I hate you."

"Good. The feeling is mutual," Regina replied and blew a kiss Emma's way. Emma just wanted to say another comeback, when Ariel ecstatically exclaimed she'd found the perfect song.

She got the machine to work and Emma and Regina stared at the screen that would show them the lyrics.

"No, no, no, no, no," Emma quickly said and looked at Ariel. "Not this song, I swear to God."

"Why not? It's fitting!" Ariel exclaimed and squealed as she saw the first sentences appearing on screen. That was when Emma realized that Ariel still thought she and Regina were a couple and she also realized that it was probably of no use to tell her now.

""I will always love you", Ariel? Really?" The song was about to start and Ariel nodded proudly. Emma rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time in those five minutes, but she started singing anyway.

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