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There was a floor above Sinclair company that we had strictly for either photoshoot, runways, or shooting videos. It was this huge space that had a thick opaque glass and steel beams.

I arrived fifteen minutes late for the photo shoot. It was intentional. I had woken up today and chickened out, didn't feel like letting Rogue get what he wanted. I had taken off my clothes and went back to bed intending to stay there for the whole day, but time had gone by agonizingly slow, and I had to keep rethinking my decision the whole time. When I realized what I was doing, I was already ten minutes late. I had to finish dressing in the car.

Fortunately, no one commented on my tardiness, or maybe they could tell the stress I was in. Rogue had arrived five minutes ago and was currently with Richard; the photographer and creative designer were discussing the set, and the makeup and hair people were setting up their stations. Our models had arrived and paraded around with a happy smile on their faces.

All the models' headshots were posted next to the hangers. Only mine seemed to be missing in one of the hangers. Maybe it was because I wasn't a professional model. Either way, I didn't care, and I was glad for that.

Hanna found me beside the catering table, shoving fudge cookies into my mouth, and not giving the slightest shit that I shouldn't be eating right now. I should be in the dressing room along with the other models, getting my makeup done. Satisfying Rogue Slade. Argh. Even the thought of his name sent me going mad.

"I just did something for you," she began excitedly. I stared at her while stuffing my mouth with more cookies. "I convinced Rogue that you should be the last model to do her photoshoot and you won't be in the group photos." She clapped her hands and blinked at me rapidly.

When I finished swallowing, I put back the remaining cookies in my hand. "I thought you were going to say you changed Rogue's mind." I stomped my foot, feeling like running my hands through my hair to mess it up. "Where's the asshole, anyway?"

"Still with Richard. Don't worry, you're going to do great. Just give the photographer a sexy pose."

I glared at her. "I'm glad you're enjoying this, Hanna, but if you knew what happened....." I mumbled the rest of the words that sounded incoherent while letting my gaze wander.

She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "If I knew what?" she asked with a puzzled look.

"Nothing." I kept staring at the spread of snacks laid out. Fresh fruits, cookies, donuts, cupcakes, and croissants. Plus, a few bottles of champagne. I plucked a bottle and a glass to pour myself when my attention suddenly drifted towards the door and the person who just walked in.

Rogue paused just inside the door, glancing around the room. Beside him were Sabrina and a few of his employees. He spotted us, and his eyes lingered on mine. He sized me up as he started sauntering toward us. My stomach sank immediately. I went to look for the nearest exit, but something incredible happened. A model, who had just finished her makeup and got into her lingerie stopped him to talk.

I watched them talk in relief. Well, anything to get me away from him. They spoke, and she tried touching him a few times. Only I could see the slight ducks he made, but he still had a polite, less monstrous smile on his face. What was wrong with him? Why didn't he like the model touching him? She wasn't hideous or anything. She was tall, skinny, and gorgeous. Any man would kill to have her. Then, I remembered Rogue wasn't normal. He wasn't like any other man. I suppressed a shudder as his gaze continued drifting over me.

Another woman, who worked in our company handed him a glass of champagne, which he collected, and I saw him mouthing thank you to her. She blushed and scurried away. I rolled my eyes. Sabrina touched his arm and pulled him away with her to get him seated on one of the chairs that were spread out. From the way she was touching him, I wondered if she liked him. I wanted to save her the trouble and tell her she couldn't and wouldn't be able to get past Veronica. My stomach twisted in revolt as I turned away.

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