«† date night II †»

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Austin pov

I couldn't believe it. She looked so gorgeous I mean she's always looking gorgeous but wow. She stood there looking down. She was shy.
"You look beautiful"
She looked up at me and smiled "thank you"
I stuck my hand out and returned the smile "shall we?"
She placed her hand into mine and walked closer to me
"Alright you two have fun and don't stay out too long" Kate said waving her hands signaling for us to leave
I lead Gabriella out of the house and towards my car.
I opened to passenger side of the door as she got in I closed the door and quickly jogged to the drivers side and got in.
"Bentley huh?" Gabriella said while chuckling
I looked at her and sent her a wink "you already know beautiful"
I started the car and drove off
"So where are we going"
I chuckled softly and stopped at a red light "that's a surprise"
"Just tell me come on" she whined
"Gabriella" I said in a stern voice
"Fine" she said in defeat
I slowly put my hand on her thigh and glanced at her
A few seconds passed and I felt her and on mines causing me to smile
After a few minutes we arrived to where our date was set up.
My home.
"I know it's weird or cheesy but I decided that it would be best to have our first date here. For one I didn't want any paparazzi interrupting us and for two I didn't want any distractions. Only me and her. Alone.
"This is a nice restaurant I've never been here before" Gabriella said while looking out of the car window
I let out a hearty laugh before getting out and opening the door for her
She quickly got out and thanked me
She latched herself to my arm and smiled "so are you gonna tell me where we are pretty boy"
"I guess I can now" I said as I began walking to my house "this is actually my house I uh didn't want any paparazzi or distractions bothering us" I said truthfully hoping she didn't think I was weird or anything
I looked down at her and she just nodded at me and smiled
I unlocked the door and let her enter before entering myself and closing the door behind me
"Holy shit" she said while gasping
I smiled and looked around "impressed?"
"Uh duh"
I put my hand on her back and led her to the dinning room
I could tell she was impressed by the way she kept gasping lowly and her eyes were widened
I pulled the seat at the table for her to sit which she did while looking around
I took a seat from across from her and smiled at her while she looked in awe
"Did you do this all by yourself" she asked while finally looking at me
"Sort of I had some help why do you not like it" I asked nervously
"No no it's nice I was just curious"
"So" I said while slapping my hands together "are you hungry beautiful"

Let me say I hate and I mean HATE this chapter it's so 🤢 but anyways hi! I updated haha :) but you guys I have this idea for a book about posty! This is weird but hear me out lmao ok so in this new book posty would like be a vampire or werewolf (not sure yet)?? Idk but it's just a thought :) what do you guys think? Hope you guys are well thank you for reading love you and sending love and peace ♡♡

DDD ~ Exid

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