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-custom bio templates for any and
all social media platforms!

-premade templates that will be

ready for you to copy and paste
in the comment section !

-ask away and i shall provide!

-ask away and i shall provide!

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-do not steal, while credit is not

(always) neccessarily preadded 

in the bio, do not claim it is yours.
if  you have been known to not give
credit for a bio, then i woul kindly

ask that you do give credit, whether

it be location, bio itself, or other. 
of course i don't know if you are

known to not give credit or not so
we'll go on the policy of honesty !

-use it for at least a day. come on,

i'm no professional at this and i

don't check up very often,
but a day isn't so long to ask !
one day is all and if you don't

really feel it anymore then
you can absolutely change it. :)

-be respectful, aka, please have some
human decency ! you don't need to say

please and thanks or go above and

beyond, but do understand that sometimes
it takes more than twenty minutes !

-ten orders at a time, please !

-completely fill the form, or at least, to the

best of your ability. write N/A if that applies!

-i will do four complete redos, and six if i can
find the time to do so ! (that might be sporadic)

- do not order if this shop if cfcu (closed

for catch up) or closed



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-credit ! if somebody asks to use the bio

template, please tell them to credit me.

creds won't go in a bio because i absolutely
understand that sometimes it throws it off f
or some people, but i'd just like to keep

track so none of my bebs come
at you ! (you should be scared)

𝗖𝗥𝗬𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗟 | a bio shop ! (𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now