The Mall
Michelle's POV
Sam and Deliah ran off after that so I started walk around the mall. I was feeling strange and I guess I didn't know where I was going because the next thing I know is that I'm pumping into really cute guy. Oh I'm sooooo sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess I wasn't pay attenion. Are you okay? I finally shutted up and helped him up and his voice was so sweet and perfect when he said. No never apoligize for being so beautiful. I wanted to bump into you for a change to introduce my self. Hi I'm Jc. Oh um I-I'm Michelle. I just moved here. Oh really from where? Iowa. Oh cool. Yeah Ig. It was pretty akward but we gave eachother our phone numbers so I think we hit it off. I meet Sam and Deliah at the food court. Sam and me both got starbucks. While Deliah got Italian Villiage Pizza.
Sam's POV
Michelle has good taste when it comes to drinks. Me and her walked to starbucks in the food court. She got a Pumpkin Spice Frappe and I got me a Herb tea. Then we walked to the table where Deliah had a pizza waiting for us.
Michelle's POVMe and Deliah decided iy was getting late and called dad to come pick us up around 7:00 p.m
I turned to look at my sister but her and Sam were alittle busy trading Silva. Hey sister dads here. She insteadly stopped and so umh dad its not what it looks like. Then she noticed dad wasnt there. Hey bad Michelle. I just laughed. You shojld of seen your face. It was priceless.
When dad picked us up my phone went off it was Jc.
From Jc ;)
Hey its Jc
To Jc ;)
I know my phone tells me
From Jc ;)
I totally knew that like whatt
To Jc ;)
Good nite i start school tomorrow
From Jc ;)
See you there hot stuff
That text was the one text that made me happy about all of this moving around.