Serious A/N

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So, someone left this comment on Ask 9 (part 2/2) about C.C actions towards Gray. Which EXTREMELY bothered me.

 Which EXTREMELY bothered me

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Just to make it clear, C.C is NOT HARASSING Gray. I should've maybe explained WHY Cartoon Cat was acting like that. Just please, refrain for typing comments like THAT again. It really makes me uncomfortable.

I'll explain WHY C.C was acting like that.

It all started when Gray when into the Mall (the one in the story of the guy who went there with 2 of his friends). As you saw in some future chapter, Dimitry is Gray's brother, who went missing (You probably know where he was considering the AnDB starts like that). Gray heard that some people where going missing at that Mall and thought that Dimitry might be there. Of course he wasn't, but instead, he found out why people were ACTUALLY going missing:

It was because of Cartoon Cat, who he had the unfortunate luck to run into.

But, there was an small good thing about it. He heard of C.C before, so he knew what to expect from him an bit, which mean he also knew C.C killed and ate people. So he ran for his fucking life, but, what C.C didn't know,

Is that Gray had started recording the beginning of the chase.

During the chase, Gray got cornered. He was scared and afraid. He didn't want to die and only wanted to find his brother. So, he yelled something that, scared Cartoon Cat for the first time: "TAKE ONE MORE STEP AND I'LL POST IT!!!!" Of course, C.C froze in his track: he saw the phone in the male's hand and realized that this human had filmed him, which means that if he would post that video he had took, he would be exposed and be hunted. So, for the first time, it wasn't the human who begged for mercy

It was Cartoon Cat that did.

C.C literally went on his knee and begged Gray not to post it and then, an idea pop into his head:

He could do an deal with this human.

He suggested an deal to human: he would let him live and Gray would not post the video.

But Gray didn't like that deal. He said: "You will let me live AND stop killing people. Then I won't post the video.

Cartoon didn't like that. He STILL NEEDED TO EAT after all.


That's when the deal turned.....

Quite unexpected......

C.C altered the Deal like this:
I will let you live and in exchange, you won't post the video online. I will stop killing people for ONE WEEK each month if....."

And that's where the deal went into an direction that Gray WASN'T expecting.

"If you let me become intimate with you at least once an month".

That part of the Deal caught Gray REALLY OFF GUARD. having an giant Cartoon Cat flesh monster fuck you? No thanks. But than again, this could reduce the chances of Cartoon Cat eating his brother if he ever came across him.

So he accepted the deal.

So Gray and C.C became "Friends with Benefits" and sometimes, both of them would forget about the video.

And that's it! That's the backstory of how Gray met Cartoon Cat!


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