Author's Note

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I honestly never thought I would make this note. But now I think I better make it so you know what I was thinking when I made this story. Until I had urge to writing a story.

At first I was pessimistic when I started writing, many doubts and fears that what if the story is not interesting and no one intends to read it. But I'm trying to clear my doubts and still trying to write and finish it.

I didn't even realize that on Wattpad, there was a feature to send messages and follow other people. Until midway through my writing, I'm having a writer block and I just took a look at the features on Wattpad and started following people.

I never thought I would meet someone like lasliel08 1NumaraKalpsiz Ririaranya and Junejin-07
. They are very nice to me. Although we never met face to face but they treat me like their best friend. They were even supportive of me, accompanying me until I manage to finish my story. I love you ... guys ... All of you mean a lot to me ...

When I publish my story, I didn't think that many people would read it. I was touched when I found out that 1K saw my story.

I really thank them and the other people who read my story and gave their votes for my story. I'm happy they like my story.

I'm also happy if someone wants to be friends with me. If you are sad and need someone to be with you. I'm willing to listen, because we're friends.

I didn't think about making cover for my story. Maybe because I'm not a very artful person. So making the cover was a little difficult for me until lasliel08 helped me and introduce me to sleepyshimmy  . Yepp, it's true that she's made my cover. I thank her very much for making me the cover of my book.

So if you are like me, hard to get the cover of your book. You can follow her and contact her via dm. I'm sure she will help you just like she helped me.

I really thank everyone who has supported me, read my stories, gave comments and most importantly gave their votes for me. I really appreciated it and can't thank you enough. I love you and happy to meet and be your friends. If you need my help, you know where to find me.

And last, thank you for the people who hurt me. Hey, I will not hate you. On the contrary, you actually teach me a lot of lessons. And the good things is maybe by doing it to me, that make me able to make a better story.

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